European Journal of Sport Science, Volume 20, 2020, Issue 7
The EJSS is the official journal of the European College of Sport Science and is published 6 times per year. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ZUMBA DANCING AND AEROBIC EXERCISE CAN IMPROVE WORKING MEMORY, MOTOR FUNCTION, AND DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS IN FEMALE PATIENTS WITH FIBROMYALGIA by Ebrahim Norouzi, FatemehSadat Hosseini, Mohammad Vaezmosavi, Markus Gerber, Uwe Pühse & Serge Brand.
”Motion under mikroskop” – ECSS-föredrag på UR/Kunskapskanalen, 5–6 oktober 2015
Sveriges Television sänder två block med idrottsvetenskapliga presentationer inspelade under ECSS-kongressen i Malmö sommaren 2015, på temat ”Motion under mikroskop”.
Världens idrottsvetare samlas i Malmö
Malmö högskola står i sommar värd för världens största tvärvetenskapliga konferens om idrottsvetenskap. 2000 forskare från hela världen samlas för att diskutera hållbar idrott ur både samhälleliga och medicinska aspekter.
Extended deadline | 20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, ECSS | Malmö, Sweden, 24th–27th of June, 2015
The 20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, ECSS, 24th–27th of June, 2015, will be hosted by Malmö University and Lund University, Sweden, and University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and will be held I Malmö. The overall Congress theme is
Sustainable Sport
Annual congresses have been organized since the inauguration of the ECSS in 1995. Today the ECSS congresses...
Workshop on social media and sport at ECSS Amsterdam 2014
What's trending at #ECSS2014? Workshop hosted by Professor Andy Miah, with special guests, and coordinated by Kate Nuttall, on behalf of ECSS. Check out the ECSS 2014 homepage.
This workshop on social media and sport will take you from newbie to guru in 3 hours. Bring your mobile devices, sit back, and get online. We will cover some of the...
Effects Went Away at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the European College of Sport Science in Barcelona
Last year’s congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) took place in Barcelona between June 26 and 29. The congress gathered no less than 3.112 participants from 75 countries, and offered 2.452 abstracts. But in his report from the congress, Will Hopkins delves behind the statistics and comes up with the scientific substance.
Call for Proposals for invited/plenary symposia for ECSS Malmö 2015
The Department of Sport Sciences, Malmö University, the Department of Health Sciences, Lund University, and the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (NEXS), University of Copenhagen, and World Village of Women Sports, will be organizing the 20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. The congress will take place between June 24 and 27, 2015 in the...