Tag: Dirk Büsch
Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, Volume 12, 2018, Issue 4: Eating Disorders and Body Image in Sport and Exercise
The Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology (JCSP) is intended to be a scholarly refereed journal designed to stimulate thought, promote empirical investigation, and disseminate scientifically informed knowledge related to the comprehensive psychological care and overall well-being of athletes, coaches, and sport organizations.
En bred introduktion til centrale elementer af talentidentifikation og talentudvikling
Talangjakten inom idrotten fortsätter med oförminskad styrka, och en ny bok vill lära ut tekniker för att lyckas. Rune Dall Jensen recenserar antologin Talent Identification and Development in Sport: International Perspectives av Joseph Baker, Steve Cobley & Jörg Schorer.