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    Tag: Conor Curran

    Sport in History, Volume 44, 2024, Issue 2 | Women as Sports Coaches: A ‘Herstory’

    Sport in History encourages the study of sport to illuminate broader historical issues and debates. Includes an extensive reviews section, an annual compendium of sports-related accessions to British archives and a 'Sport in Public History' section. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Women coaches, professionalisation, and national governing body mergers in England, 1989–2000 by Rafaelle Nicholson (open access).

    Soccer & Society, Volume 25, 2024, Issue 4–6 | Why Fans Matter? Fans and Identities in the Soccer World

    Soccer, a.k.a (association) football is the most popular mass spectator sport in the world. Soccer & Society is the first international journal devoted to the game of soccer, and aims to focus on the game in the context of a more global world. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Beyond ‘good’ and ‘bad’ fans: exploring the mechanisms enabling football fans’ position as a stakeholder in the management of circulations by Jan Andre Lee Ludvigsen (open access).

    Sport in History, Volume 44, 2024, Issue 1

    Sport in History encourages the study of sport to illuminate broader historical issues and debates. Includes an extensive reviews section, an annual compendium of sports-related accessions to British archives and a 'Sport in Public History' section. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Personal reflections on the genesis, early history and activities of the British Society of Sports History by Richard Cox (open access).

    A fascinating portrayal of European sports history

    Daphné Bolz’ and Michael Krüger’s edited and profusely illustrated collection A History of Sport in Europe in 100 Objects (Arete Verlag) is the first attempt to create a kaleidoscopic history of European sport through its rich material culture. In his thorough, knowledgeable and cogent assessment of the book, our reviewer Conor Curran is highly appreciative of the editors’ huge achievement while still pointing out several omissions, often related to the dark sides of sport – violence, drugs, corruption, etc.

    Highly detailed history of football in the Irish capital

    Conor Curran’s Soccer and Society in Dublin: A History of Association Football in Ireland’s Capital (Four Courts Press) is the first full-length assessment of the history of soccer in Dublin and the game’s role within society in the city. Sports (and not least football) historian Hans Bolling read the book at our behest, and he found too much empirical detail about soccer at the expense of society, while also recognizing the value of the empirical material in the book for future studies of Irish football and of the development of football in other European capitals.

    Soccer & Society, Volume 24, 2023, Issue 6

    Soccer, a.k.a (association) football is the most popular mass spectator sport in the world. Soccer & Society is the first international journal devoted to the game of soccer, and aims to focus on the game in the context of a more global world. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Merseyside football and the slave trade by David Kennedy.

    Sport in History, Volume 43, 2023, Issue 3

    Sport in History encourages the study of sport to illuminate broader historical issues and debates. Includes an extensive reviews section, an annual compendium of sports-related accessions to British archives and a 'Sport in Public History' section. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: #hoops #basketballhistory @Hoops_Heritage: examining possibilities for basketball heritage within the context of higher education, critical museology and digital redirections by Geoffery Z. Kohe, Jamie Smith & John Hughson (open access).

    Reinterpreting the academic historiography of Irish sports history

    Serial winners and glorious losers, heroes and villains, trailblazing women, role models and rogues, all are here; so too are audacious sporting founders, enduring legends and forgotten or overlooked greats. Conor Curran has read about sixty Irish Sporting Lives selected by Terry Clavin & Turlough O’Riordan (Royal Irish Acdemy), and he found it generally entertaining throughout,, but then Dr. Curran is also an historian, and as such found much historiographic references and context wanting.

    Call for Participants | The growth of the League of Ireland | A one-day conference at Dalymount Park, 14th of January 2023

    This one day event, a special conference on the history of the League of Ireland, will mark the publication of The League of Ireland: An Historical and Contemporary Assessment by Routledge. This has developed from a special edition of Soccer and Society published in December 2021. The conference will take place on Saturday, 14th of January 2023 from 9.30 a.m. until 4.15 p.m at Dalymount Park.

    Groundbreaking study of the history of Irish physical education

    Conor Curran’s peer reviewed study Physical Education in Irish Schools, 1900–2000: A History (Peter Lang Publishing) is the first major examination of the history of physical education in Irish primary and second level schools in the twentieth century. Björn Sandahl wrote a similar study about Swedish physical education, and his insightful and appreciative review of Curran’s book highlights his careful use and analysis of historical sources. An important contribution to the body of literature in this area.
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