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    Tag: Carol Wilkinson

    The Physical Educator, Vol. 80, 2023, No. 2

    TPE is one of the longest standing journals providing research-based articles relating to physical education, health, recreation, dance, exercise science, sports medicine, and sports management. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Examination of the Body Language Competencies of Physical Education Teachers by Yasin Karaca, Bijen Filiz.

    Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, Volume 33, 2020, Issue 4

    Strategies is a peer-reviewed professional journal that publishes practical, how-to articles for sport and physical education professionals at all levels. The journal provides information to help educators and coaches become more effective in their work. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: INTRODUCING AND TEACHING NETBALL FOR SECONDARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENTS by David Barney & Carol Wilkinson.

    The Physical Educator, Vol. 77, 2020, No. 3

    TPE is one of the longest standing journals providing research-based articles relating to physical education, health, recreation, dance, exercise science, sports medicine, and sports management. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: TESTING AN INTEGRATED MODEL OF INTEREST THEORY AND SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY IN UNIVERSITY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY CLASSES by Joseph Opiri Otundo, Alex C. Garn.

    The Physical Educator, Vol. 76, 2019, No. 5

    The Physical Educator is one of the longest standing journals providing research-based articles relating to physical education, health, recreation, and related areas. Editor’s pick from the current issue: EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS MEETING RECOMMENDED WEEKLY PHYSICAL EDUCATION MINUTES by James W. Ball, Kimberly A. Maljak, Matthew R. Bice, Julia Valley, Thomas Parry.

    The Physical Educator, Vol. 76, 2019, No. 4

    Originally published in 1940 by Phi Epsilon Kappa as a quarterly publication for its fraternity members, The Physical Educator is one of the longest standing journals providing research-based articles relating to physical education, health, recreation, and related areas. Read TPE if you are interested in physical education, health, recreation, dance, exercise science, sports medicine, and sports management.

    Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Volume 37, 2018, Issue 1

    The purpose of the Journal of Teaching in Physical Education is to communicate national and international research and stimulate discussion, study, and critique of teaching, teacher education, and curriculum as these fields relate to physical activity in schools, communities, higher education, and sport.
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