Tag: Brett D. Lashua
Leisure Studies, Volume 40, 2021, Issue 1 | Leisure, Activism, and the Animation of the Urban Environment
The emphasis of Leisure Studies is on theoretically informed critical analyses within the social sciences and humanities of the topics that constitute leisure as a subject field – including the arts, tourism, sport and more. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: SKATEBOARDING, GENTLE ACTIVISM, AND THE ANIMATION OF PUBLIC SPACE: CITE – A CELEBRATION OF SKATEBOARD ARTS AND CULTURE AT THE BENTWAY by Troy D. Glover, Sarah Munro, Immony Men, Wes Loates & Ilana Altman.
Leisure Sciences, Volume 40, 2018, Issue 7
Leisure Sciences presents scientific inquiries into the study of leisure, recreation, parks, travel, and tourism from a social science perspective. Articles cover the social and psychological aspects of leisure, planning for leisure environments, leisure gerontology, travel and tourism behavior, leisure economics, and urban leisure delivery systems.
Leisure Studies, Volume 37, 2018, Issue 4
Leisure Studies is the journal of the Leisure Studies Association. The emphasis of the journal is on theoretically informed critical analyses within the social sciences and humanities of the wide range of topics that constitute leisure as a subject field – including the arts, tourism, cultural, informal and virtual activities, urban and rural recreation, sport, media and physical activities.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 53, 2018, No. 2
The International Review for the Sociology of Sport is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, from standard length research papers to shorter reports and commentary, as well as book and media reviews.
Leisure Sciences, Volume 40, 2018, Issue 1–2 | 40th Anniversary Issue: Looking back and looking forward on Leisure Sciences
Leisure Sciences presents scientific inquiries into the study of leisure, recreation, parks, travel, and tourism from a social science perspective. Articles cover the social and psychological aspects of leisure, planning for leisure environments, leisure gerontology, travel and tourism behavior, leisure economics, and urban leisure delivery systems.
”Greit hvis man er litt interessert, dumt hvis man virkelig er interessert”
Social och ekonomisk ojämlikhet ökar i ett globalt perspektiv, och i rättan tid utkommer en ny antologi från Routledge, Sport, Leisure and Social Justice, sammanställd av Jonathan Long, Thomas Fletcher & Beccy Watson. Ørnulf Seippel har läst den med blandade känslor, men slutintrycket är att många läsare kan hitta något nytt och framåtsyftande.