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    Tag: body narrative

    Call for Papers | “Writing the Body”, subject for the MHRA Working Papers in the Humanities 19 | Call ends January 8, 2024

    Bodies inform our way of being in the world. The human body can be a site of expression, (mis)identification, or inscription, giving rise to a myriad of possibilities that transform and are transformed by our perceptions of the self, connections with others, and the world around us. This issue of Working Papers in the Humanities explores the ways in which human bodies are narrated and understood, how they have been marginalised, empowered or rendered (in)visible, as well as how they uphold and interrogate questions of normativity.

    Call for Papers | “Representations of the Body”, International conference in Francophone Studies | University of Louisiana @ Lafayette. Call ends November 24, 2022

    The body occupies a particular position within general symbolism of society. It is not only a natural phenomenon; it is also a cultural construction.T he French and Francophone Studies program at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette announces a call for presentation and panel proposals (in French or in English) for its annual conference returning to in-person format.

    Livestreamad disputation | Moving thresholds: Body narratives within the vicinity of gym and fitness culture av Greta Bladh, Umeå universitet, den 4 december 2020

    Studien tar sin början på ett gym, vilket har inskrivet i dess stadgar att verksamheten ska präglas av ett normkritiskt arbetssätt. Detta gym kan således ses som en plats där genuskodade normer, vilka i avhandlingen diskuteras i termer av trösklar, bearbetas på olika sätt med avsikt att skapa ett inkluderande klimat. Avhandlingen bygger på kvalitativa metoder såsom deltagande observationer, semi-strukturerade intervjuer, samt kollektiva minnesövningar.
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