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    Tag: Anna Stodter

    Sport, Education and Society, Volume 27, 2022, Issue 7

    Sport, Education and Society encourages contributions from social scientists and educationalists studying the relationships between pedagogy, ‘the body’ and society, The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Fostering unorganized sport to sustain adolescent participation: empirical evidence from two European countries by Victoria Rindler, Maxime Luiggi & Jean Griffet.

    Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, Volume 2, 2020, Issue 3

    JADE was founded to publish and promote research that focuses on people over profits. Editor’s pick from the current issue: The The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: PROBLEMATIZING THE ADOPTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT ‘MODELS’: A FOUCAULDIAN-INSPIRED ANALYSIS OF THE LONG-TERM ATHLETE DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK by Mathew Dowling, Joseph Mills, and Anna Stodter.

    International Sport Coaching Journal, Volume: 6, 2019, Issue 3: Global Perspectives in Coach Education for the Coach Developer

    ISCJ is a joint venture of the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) and International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE). The mission is to advance the profession of coaching through peer-reviewed research articles, informative essays, experiential accounts, and systematic applications that enhance the education, development of knowledge, leadership, and best practices of coaches.

    Sports Coaching Review, Volume 7, 2018, Issue 2

    Sports Coaching Review is an international peer-reviewed medium for the publication of articles related to sports coaching. It aspires to be a major focal point for the publication of sports coaching research throughout the world. The journal is mono, multi and interdisciplinary in approach. Special issue: Coaching in Brazil.