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    Tag: Andy Miah

    A comprehensive volume, unique in the field of Olympic and Paralympic studies

    Routledge Handbook of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, edited by Dikaia Chatziefstathiou, Borja García & Benoit Séguin (Routledge) presents new research and broad surveys exploring pressing debates, challenges and possible solutions surrounding the modern Olympic and Paralympic Games, across diverse socioeconomic and political contexts. Our reviewer Björn Sandahl contends that the handbook serves as a rich introduction to its field of study and thus should be of great interest to students and the interested general public.

    The future of sport? New anthology prophecies a technological revolution

    Sascha L. Schmidt’s edited collection 21st Century Sports: How Technologies Will Change Sports in the Digital Age (Springer) outlines the effects that technology-induced change will have on sport within the next five to ten years. A collective of sport sociologists at Nord University, Norway has read the book as a book group, bringing many various experiences and perspectives into a rich review highlighting the book’s strong points as well as its weaknesses, one of which is a paucity of critical perspectives throughout.

    Journal of Olympic Studies, Volume 2, 2021, Number 2

    By placing scholars from various disciplines side-by-side on the common topic of the Olympic Games, JOS (available in both print and electronic format and marketed to a global scholarly audience) aims to promote and encourage a multi-disciplinary understanding of the Olympic Movement. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “Winning for Themselves, Not for Moscow”: Baltic Independence and the Olympic Games During the 1980s by Erin E. Redihan.

    Competent and comprehensive handbook charts the new sport media landscape

    Under the editorship of Andrew C. Billings & Marie Hardin, 53 contributors have collaborated to produce 31 chapters over 374 pages for the Routledge Handbook of Sport and New Media. Our reviewer is Britt-Marie Ringfjord, and she finds that the collection has aged well, being originally published in 2014, an is to this day a valuable tool for sport media scholars and students alike.

    Thought-provoking perspectives on the future of sports – digital and otherwise

    In his latest book Sport 2.0: Transforming Sports for a Digital World, Andy Miah, diligent and versatile Professor of Science Communication and Future Media, University of Salford, takes a giant, albeit somewhat speculative, leap into the unknown. Anne Tjønndal finds his ideas thrilling and highly stimulating, but also intriguing and slightly muddled.

    Curro, ergo sum

    Kalle Jonassons recension av antologin The Anthropology of Sport and Human Movement: A Biocultural Perspective sammanställd av Robert R. Sands och Linda R. Sands bjuder på en tankeväckande diskussion om idrott, vetenskap och idrottsvetenskap.

    Tönnies, Guttmann och olympismen – Gemeinschaft, Gesellschaft eller mittemellan?

    Christian Widholm recenserar Andy Miahs och Beatriz Garcías bok om olympismens grunder, The Olympics: The Basics, och knyter därvid an till både den tyske artonhundratalssociologen Ferdinand Tönnies och Allen Guttmanns sportifieringsmatris.

    Social Media News – ny e-postlista på jiscmail

    Dear colleagues, The following list has been set up to share info about new social media apps, platforms, and websites that have relevance to HE professionals. It expects to be less of a discussion list and more of a quick news list for people to share links to new tech, to help keep everyone aware of the next big thing in...

    Genetiskt modifierade idrottare

    Kutte Jönsson Teknik och samhälle, Malmö högskola. Andy Miah Genetically Modified Athletes: Biomedical Ethics, Gene Doping and Sport 224 sid, hft. London: Routledge 2004 Idrottsvärlden ställs ständigt inför nya utmaningar och problem, inte minst när det kommer till dopningen inom elitidrotten. Världens idrottsorganisationer, med IOK i förarsätet, driver ett långtgående antidopningsarbete, främst genom antidopningsbyrån WADA. Men ju mer avancerad tekniken blir, desto svårare blir det att avslöja ”fuskarna”....