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    Tag: Adrien Battini

    Soccer & Society, Volume 19, 2018, Issue 3 | Fan Protest and Activism: Football from Below in South-Eastern Europe

    Soccer and Society is the first international journal devoted to the world’s most popular game. It covers all aspects of soccer globally from anthropological, cultural, economic, historical, political and sociological perspectives.q

    Fotbollens mäktiga globalisering

    I den här recensionsessän undersöker Bill Sund fotbollens globalisering utifrån tre böcker, Global Perspectives on Football in Afrika: Visualising the Game av Susann Baller, Giorgio Miescher & Ciraj Rassool (red); Football in Asia: History, Culture and Business av Younghan Cho (red); och Soccer in the Middle East av Alon Raab & Issam Khalidi (red), samtliga från Routledge.
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