Tales from the Future: A Narrative Investigation of the Imagined Career Paths of Young Athletes
Mortensen, Janne / Henriksen, Kristoffer / Stelter, Reinhard
Page 305
Pedometer-Determined Physical Activity of Youth while Attending School: A Review
Brusseau, Timothy A. / Hannon, James C.
Page 329
Physiological Elements Required by Dancers
Malkogeorgos, Alexandros / Zaggelidou, Eleni / Zaggelidis, Georgios / Christos, Galazoulas
Page 343
Exergames as a Teaching Tool in Physical Education?
Meckbach, Jane / Gibbs, Béatrice / Almqvist, Jonas / Öhman, Marie / Quennerstedt, Mikael
Page 369
Analyse des interactions didactiques lors de l’enseignement du football à l’école Tunisienne
Maher, Guerchi / Zghibi, Makram
Page 387
Pre Participation Examination: Tool for Cardiovascular Screening of Competitive Athletes
Kaur Badwal, Kulroop
Page 405