Sport Management Review Volume 18, Issue 1, February 2014


Special issue: Managing Sport for Social Change
Edited by Emma Sherry, Nico Schulenkorf and Laurence Chalip


Managing sport for social change: The state of play
Pages 1-5
Emma Sherry, Nico Schulenkorf, Laurence Chalip

Review Paper

The role of sport in community capacity building: An examination of sport for development research and practice
Review Article, Pages 6-19
Michael B. Edwards

Research Articles

What about sport? A public health perspective on leisure-time physical activity
Original Research Article, Pages 20-31
Brennan K. Berg, Stacy Warner, Bhibha M. Das

The impact of a community free swimming programme for young people (under 19) in England
Original Research Article, Pages 32-44
Steve Bullough, Larissa E. Davies, David Barrett

Recreation or rehabilitation? Managing sport for development programs with prison populations
Original Research Article, Pages 45-56
David Gallant, Emma Sherry, Matthew Nicholson

Australian Indigenous youth’s participation in sport and associated health outcomes: Empirical analysis and implications
Original Research Article, Pages 57-68
Bronwen Dalton, Rachel Wilson, John Robert Evans, Steve Cochrane

Managing sport for social change: The effects of intentional design and structure in a sport-based service learning initiative
Original Research Article, Pages 69-85
Jennifer E. Bruening, Jon Welty Peachey, Justin M. Evanovich, Rhema D. Fuller, Cassandra J. Coble Murty, Vernon E. Percy, Lauren A. Silverstein, Michael Chung

Managing impact: Leveraging sacred spaces and community celebration to maximize social capital at a sport-for-development event
Original Research Article, Pages 86-98
Jon Welty Peachey, John Borland, Jami Lobpries, Adam Cohen

Regulating “Nirvana”: Sustainable surf tourism in a climate of increasing regulation
Original Research Article, Pages 99-110
Jess Ponting, Danny O’Brien

The making of a social entrepreneur: From participant to cause champion within a sport-for-development context
Original Research Article, Pages 111-125
Adam Cohen, Jon Welty Peachey

Moving towards social inclusion: Manager and staff perspectives on an award winning community sport and recreation program for immigrants
Original Research Article, Pages 126-138
Shawn D. Forde, Donna S. Lee, Cathy Mills, Wendy Frisby

Case Study

The development of female Muslim life-savers
Pages 139-151
Hazel Maxwell, Carmel Foley, Tracy Taylor, Christine Burton

Book Review

R. Meek, Sport in Prison: Exploring the Role of Physical Activity in Correctional Settings1st ed.(2014), Routledge 211 pp., ISBN 987-0-415-85761-1
Pages 152-153
David Gallant, Emma Sherry


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