Save the date! The 8th World Congress on Science and Football, 20-23 May 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark



First Announcement:

  • The 8th World Congress on Science and Football (WCSF2015) is a multidisciplinary congress focusing on five codes of football: Soccer; Rugby; and Australian, American and Gaelic Football. The congress will highlight the newest research results, methodologies and applied approaches. Download the congress flyer with more information on topics, workshops and social activities.
  • International scientists from the natural, human and social sciences, as well as practitioners, will be gathered to exchange knowledge and participate in a dialogue on mono- and multidisciplinary aspects of football. Registration and abstract submission will open 1 June 2014. Find out more at

On behalf of the Scientific Committee (Jens Bangsbo, chair) & Organizing Committee (Peter Krustrup, chair) Copenhagen Centre for Team Sport and Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


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