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    Announcing PhD Course: Culture, Sport and Society | Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport (NEXS), University of Copenhagen, November 11–15, 2024

    The course will emphasize how the individual doctoral student can improve their scientific skills in order to carry out their own research projects and participate in public and academic debates in relation to sport studies, thereby offering the potential to have a significant impact upon society. The course is particularly intended to stimulate ethical, innovative and creative perspectives on sport and culture, while at the same time realizing the responsibility and autonomy of being a researcher.

    Call for Participation | Lecture by Professor Brett Smith, Durham University: “Disability sport and social justice – A possibility for para-athletes?” | University of Copenhagen, November 12, 2019

    Brett Smith is a Professor and Director of Research at the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences Durham University, UK. Since gaining his PhD on disability, sport, physical activity and wellbeing in 2003, Brett has continued to conduct research in these areas. Reflecting a passion to cross disciplinary boundaries, his research draws on psychology, sociology, and critical disability studies.

    Call for Participation | Exercise, Health and Social Science: Current Approaches, Future Challenges | PhD course at the Dept. of Nutrition, Exercise and Sport, University of Copenhagen. Call ends...

    The aim of the course is to provide PhD students with in-depth knowledge about how social scientific inquiry has been used to study the link between sport, exercise and health (e.g. understanding rehabilitation programmes, new public health policy, the link between exercise and medicine, and the role for physical activity and exercise in healthcare).

    Sport Scholar Profile | Verena Lenneis, University of Copenhagen

    Verena Lenneis has a broad, international social science background, gaining a bachelor’s degree in sport sciencea and a bachelor’s/master’s degree in law from University of Vienna, and then a master's and PhD degree in sociology of sport/physical activity/health from University of Copenhagen. She is also a proficient footbag player, having won multiple World, European and Austrian Championships.

    Call for Participants | “The integrative role of sport – what can research contribute?” | PhD course at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen

    The aim of the course is to provide PhD students with more in depth knowledge about research on how sport can promote integration (e.g. amongst migrants, older adults, disabled individuals and in terms of gender). The course provides a space to exchange ideas and knowledge about research methods related to the course topic.

    Forskarprofil | Lone Friis Thing, Københavns Universitet

    Lone Friis Thing är lektor vid Institut for Idræt og Ernæring vid Københavns Universitet. Hon har en MSc i humanistiskt och samhällsvetenskaplig idrottsvetenskap och biologi, och en doktorsexamen från Sociologisk Institut. Lone ansvarar för masterprogrammen vid Institut for Idræt of Ernæring. Hon forskar om sociologiska aspekter av idrott, hälsa och kropp, med mera.

    Call for Participation | The integrative role of sport – what can research contribute? | PhD course, November 7–11, University of Copenhagen

    The aim of the course is to provide PhD students with more in depth knowledge about research on how sport can promote integration (e.g. amongst migrants, older adults, disabled individuals and in terms of gender). he course provides a space to exchange ideas and knowledge about research methods related to the course topic.

    Deadline extended | The 8th World Congress on Science and Football, 20-23 May 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark

    NB New deadline January 19 2015! The World Congress on Science and Football 2015 is a multidisciplinary congress focusing on five codes of football: Soccer, Rugby, and Australian, American and Gaelic Football. The congress will gather international scientists from the natural, human and social sciences, as well as practitioners, and highlight the newest research results, methodologies and applied approaches. The Scientific Committee...

    Second Call for Papers | Gender and Sports Conference, November 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark

    Transnational Body and Movement Cultures From a Gender Perspective 13 – 15 November 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark The term ‘transnational’ refers to “sustained ties of persons, networks and organizations across the borders, across multiple nation-states ranging from little to highly institutionalized forms” (Faist, 2000, 189). This perspective includes economic and cultural relations as well as networks and organizations that are not formed...

    Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Sociology of Sport | Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen

    At the Section of Human and Social Sciences at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (Copenhagen University) a position as assistant professor (tenure track) is available. The position includes research and teaching in the sociology of sport. Ability to combine sociological and health research methods will be beneficial. Applicants from general sociology that want to specialize in sport sociology are also invited to apply. The...
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