Black U.S. Military Affiliated Perspectives on Sport Media’s Coverage of Racial Representation and Athlete Activism
Patrick Crowe, Adam Love, Guy Harrison
pp. 463–482
Let the Kids Play: Latino Players, Differing Play Styles and Racial Stigma in Major League Baseball
Andrew Mitchel, Jeffrey H. Cohen
pp. 483–503
Policing Gender and Sexuality in High School Sports: The Mediating Impact of Hearing Anti-LGBTQ + Language on High School Athletes’ Self-Esteem Across Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Race
Laura J. Wernick, Derek Tice-Brown, Yannick Kluch, Tarkington J. Newman, Lauren Shute, Mackenzie P. Lerario, Jessica Vidette Harrison
pp. 504–534
Women from Culturally Diverse Backgrounds in Sport Leadership: A Scoping Review of Facilitators and Barriers
Kara Dadswell, Marie Mandicos, Elliott P Flowers, Clare Hanlon
pp. 535–564