Journal of Sport & Social Issues Vol. 37, No. 4, November 2013


jssi300Focus: Everyday Racism

Black Skiing, Everyday Racism, and the Racial Spatiality of Whiteness
Anthony Kwame Harrison
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2013;37 315-339

Submersed in Social Segregation: The (Re)Production of Social Capital Through Swim Club Membership
Jaime R. DeLuca
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2013;37 340-363


The Political and Civic Implications of Chicago’s Unsuccessful Bid to Host the 2016 Olympic Games
Larry Bennett, Michael Bennett, Stephen Alexander, and Joseph Persky
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2013;37 364-383

An (In)convenient Truce? Paralympic Stakeholders’ Reflections on the Olympic–Paralympic Relationship
David E. J. Purdue
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2013;37 384-402

Cheering on the Collegiate Model: Creating, Disseminating, and Imbedding the NCAA’s Redefinition of Amateurism
Richard M. Southall and Ellen J. Staurowsky
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2013;37 403-429


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