Focus: Sporting Warriors
Tailgate Warriors: Exploring Constructions of Masculinity, Food, and Football
Maria J. Veri and Rita Liberti
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2013;37 227-244
The Militarization of American Professional Sports: How the Sports–War Intertext Influences Athletic Ritual and Sports Media
Tricia Jenkins
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2013;37 245-260
Sports-Based Interventions and the Local Governance of Youth Crime and Antisocial Behavior
Laura Kelly
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2013;37 261-283
Athlete Protection in Quebec’s Sport System: Assessments, Problems, and Challenges
Sylvie Parent and Karim El Hlimi
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2013;37 284-296
UEFA as a New Agent of Global Governance: A Case Study of Relations Between UEFA and the Polish Government Against the Background of the UEFA EURO 2012
Renata Wloch
Journal of Sport and Social Issues 2013;37 297-311