Transformative research and epistemological hierarchies: Ruminating on how the sociology of the sport field could make more of a difference
Richard Pringle and Mark Falcous
Diversity work in community sport organizations: Commitment, resistance and institutional change
Ramón Spaaij, Jonathan Magee, Karen Farquharson, Sean Gorman, Ruth Jeanes, Dean Lusher, and Ryan Storr
How power moves: A Foucauldian analysis of (in)effective coaching
Joseph P Mills and Jim Denison
The under-representation and experiences of elite level minority coaches in professional football in England, France and the Netherlands
Steven Bradbury, Jacco van Sterkenburg, and Patrick Mignon
Labor migration among elite sport coaches: An exploratory study
Johannes Orlowski, Pamela Wicker, and Christoph Breuer
Exploring the cultural intersection of music, sport and physical activity among at-risk youth
Adam Cohen and Khalid Ballouli
Generation 3.0: Popularity of the national German team among Israeli soccer fans
Ilan Tamir
Book review: Localizing Global Sport for Development
Robbie Matz