Call for Proposals: 2nd Annual Ali Center Athletes and Social Change Forum

Muhammad Ali Center, Louisville, Kentucky.
Muhammad Ali Center, Louisville, Kentucky.

The 2nd Annual Muhammad Ali Center Athletes and Social Change Forum will take place March 21-22 in Louisville, KY. The Forum is designed to advance education, advocacy and research on the role and contribution of athletes toward social change, human rights and development. This year we welcome scholars, practitioners, policymakers and advocates who are working to advance the realm of athletes and social change through the six core values of Muhammad Ali: Respect, Confidence, Conviction, Dedication, Spirituality and Giving.

This Forum will focus on the following considerations:

  1. The roles and responsibilities athletes have beyond the playing field.
  2. The ways athletes can serve as educators and advocates to address social problems within and outside of sports.
  3. How the global sporting community encourages or discourages athletes working in the realm of social change.
  4. The roles educational institutions play in providing grounding for athletes to make the connections between athletics, academics and the community.
  5. The role and impact of media in how athletes can affect social change.

We would like to invite your abstract contribution for the Muhammad Ali Center Athletes and Social Change Forum. Abstracts can be research or practitioner, should be no longer than 250 words, and are due January 1, 2014.  The registration fee for the conference is $100 for professionals and $50 for students. Please submit abstracts to Eli Wolff:

We are very much hoping to receive a variety of national and international perspectives. Please share this with colleagues you may know who may be interested and also let us know if you have any suggested contributors we should contact. We will look forward to hearing from you.

Marcel Parent, Ali Center
Eli Wolff, Brown University
Mary Hums, University of Louisville

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