Call for Papers | “Transformations and Transgressions: Explorations of ‘Restricted’ Leisure during COVID-19” | Special Issue of Annals of Leisure Research. Call ends March 1, 2021

Guest editors
      • Briony Sharp (University of West of Scotland)
      • Rebecca Finkel (Queen Margaret University)
      • Katherine Dashper (Leeds Beckett University)
Mundane leisure during the pandemic.

There is no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the ways we socialise during our leisure time. Restrictions on social interaction, movement, gatherings, and cultural activities have caused people worldwide to change their patterns of behaviour and their perspectives about what is socially acceptable when it comes to leisure experiences. This special issue aims to explore the breadth and depth of ‘restricted’ leisure internationally during the pandemic by seeking to understand:

      1. how differing cultural and national contexts dictate what is deemed transgressive, such as previously mundane social gatherings of multiple households indoors;
      2. how restricted leisure has led to transformations in the ways we have had to ‘do’ and ‘redo’ activities, such as incorporating digital and distancing measures; and,
      3. how the pandemic has had an impact on leisure that was considered transgressive pre-pandemic and how restrictions have affected already established illicit subcultures and underground leisure communities.

We welcome cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural, cross-geographical submissions that explore a range of issues and diverse perspectives in order to contribute to the development of leisure theory, involving critical tourism and events studies, criminology, sociology, cultural and media studies, and other social science theoretical, methodological, and empirical entanglements. Indeed, what is considered ‘transgressive’ varies in different disciplines, cultures and societies.

Empirical and conceptual papers are invited. We welcome proposals for full papers (8000 words) and research notes (3000 words). Submissions may include, but are not limited to:

      • Complexities of what is considered transgressive in leisure during the pandemic
      • Digital leisure (transformations and challenges)
      • Critical media analyses of transformations/transgressions in leisure
      • Case study examples of restricted leisure/travel or tourism during the pandemic
      • Policy analyses surrounding restricted leisure during the pandemic
      • Mundane leisure during the pandemic
      • Deviant leisure / deviant leisure communities during the pandemic
      • Shifts in social interaction during the pandemic
      • Differences and diversity in perspectives about leisure during the pandemic
      • Accessibility and inclusion and restricted leisure during the pandemic
      • Cultural/national contexts dictating ‘acceptable’ sociability and leisure

Important dates

Submission of a 250-word abstract to by 1st March.
Full paper submission: 1st September 2021.

NB: Invitation to submit a full paper is not a confirmation of publication.


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