Call for Papers | The 35th Annual Conference of the Sport Literature Association | June 20–23, 2018, University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas. Call ends March 30, 2018


The 35th Annual Conference of the Sport Literature Association will be held Wednesday, June 20 through Saturday, June 23, 2018, at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas, USA. The Program Committee of the Sport Literature Association invites proposals for individual papers and/or complete sessions related to the literature of sport.

Scholarly and critical submissions for the conference should follow general guidelines set forth in the association’s publication, Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature, which “celebrate[s] the intersection of literature with the world of play, games, and sport.” Submissions “should address treatments of sport in texts or textual media (print, film, performance, digital or other media).” We invite essays on sport literature (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, or film) or on the rhetoric of sport. Cultural-studies approaches to sport texts are welcome. We also encourage sessions focused on presenters’ original fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. The association welcomes papers from younger scholars and graduate students. Small travel stipends may be available for the latter.

Those interested in presenting should send abstracts of individual papers or original work or proposals for complete sessions by March 30, 2018, to the program chair, Angie Abdou, at the following address:  (Or mail abstract to: Philip Wedge, English Dept., Wescoe Hall, 1445 Jayhawk Boulevard, Room 3001, Lawrence, KS, 66045-7590)

Submissions (preferably electronic) must include presenter’s name, phone number, postal and email addresses, paper title, and a 250-word abstract. (Abstracts are mandatory since they create post-conference proceedings.) Indicate the type of presentation as critical study, fiction, creative nonfiction, or poetry. Please indicate any requests for technology (Power Point, Video/Audio Clips, etc.). Individual proposals may, but are not required to, include suggestions for possible panel placement.


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