Extended Deadline for Special Issue on Marketing Sport Event Tourism – The Sport Marketing Quarterly (SMQ)


smqGuest Editors: Kiki Kaplanidou and Kostas Alexandris

Manuscript submission deadline: October 31st, 2013.

The rise of the number of sport events that countries, regions and communities host denotes the importance of sport events for tourism and economic development and suggests a synergy between sport and tourism marketing. However, theoretical and applied research that explains the nuances of this relationship is rather limited.  This special issue aims to focus on innovative research initiatives that focus on sport event tourism marketing thrusts and advance the theoretical and practical knowledge in this field. Thus, we invite both conceptual and empirical papers related to the topic. The papers have to feature tourist samples (i.e., people who travel 50 miles or more from their home communities) and not local residents attending a sport event and can focus on the following topics (without being limited only to these):

  • The role of destination image in sport event tourism marketing
  • The role of sport events in building destination image / brand
  • Marketing strategies for active and passive sport tourists
  • Motivations to participate or attend sport events
  • Sport event tourism and societal benefits
  • Marketing the impacts of sport event tourism for destination development
  • Event service quality, visitors’ / participants’ experience and repeated behavior
  • The role of social media in marketing sport event tourism
  • Consumer behavior in sport event tourism
  • Marketing sport event tourism for physical activity improvement
  • Sponsorship and sport event tourism
  • Internal marketing and sport event tourism

Manuscripts should follow the standard author guidelines for the Sport Marketing Quarterly (http://www.fitinfotech.com/smqEletricVersion/SMQSubmissionGuidelines.pdf) and should be submitted online through the online manuscript management platform Editorial express found at: https://editorialexpress.com/smq

Manuscripts should be submitted no later than November 30, 2013 to receive full consideration for publication in the special issue. Manuscripts must not be submitted to another journal while they are under review by Sport Marketing Quarterly, nor should they have been previously published. Anticipated publication of the accepted manuscripts is September 2014.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the special issue editors: Kiki Kaplanidou at kiki@hhp.ufl.edu  or Kostas Alexandris at kalexand@phed.auth.gr.

Guest Editors

Kiki Kaplanidou, PhD
University of Florida, Department of Tourism, Recreation and Sport Management

Kostas Alexandris, PhD
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of PE and Sport Science

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