2nd Call for Papers: Special issue of Sport Management Review | Doping in sport


Call for Papers: Special issue of Sport Management Review
Doping in sport: Current issues and challenges for sport management

Guest editors

  • Terry Engelberg, Griffith University, Australia, email:  t.engelberg@griffith.edu.au
  • James Skinner, Griffith University, Australia, email: j.skinner@griffith.edu.au

smr_bigSport is a major global industry generating billions of dollars in sponsorship, media rights and gambling funds. In recent times a number of sports have been tarnished by doping scandals. These incidents pose threats to the integrity of sport both nationally and on a global scale. In response, sporting organisations and governments have introduced legislation and accompanying punishments to deter the use of both performance enhancing and recreational drugs. However, it could be argued that effective strategies for combating doping in sport are hindered by a lack of organisational commitment, varying opinions on how the problem should be managed and a lack of reliable information and empirical data to formulate and implement appropriate doping policy.

It is timely for sport managers to focus on the topic of doping, as public concerns over the use of drugs in sport cause significant damage to the sports industry, with consequences such as reduced attendances at sporting events, reduced sponsorship and possible impacts on broadcasting rights amongst some of the most pressing concerns.

The aim of this Special Issue is to advance our theoretical and empirical understanding of the management of doping in sport. We are aware that scholarly research in this field has evolved from various science disciplines and therefore we are keen to encourage cross-disciplinary contributions, encompassing a variety of methodologies (such as quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods), whilst keeping a sport management focus. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

    • Drug policies: International comparisons
    • Doping in sport: Managing community expectations and concerns
    • Impact of doping on spectators and participation
    • Implications of doping for marketing and sponsorship
    • A review of drug testing agencies
    • Attitudes towards drug testing: Implications for managing doping
    • Organisational culture and incidence of doping
    • The economic implications of managing doping
    • Drugs and specific groups, e.g., females, sport with a disability
    • The impact of doping on mega events
    • Drugs in sport and the law
    • Managing the ethics of drug testing
    • Educating athletes on doping
    • Public relations and doping scandals
    • Media reporting of doping and its implications for sporting organisations
    • The role of social media in managing doping
    • Athletes’ rights and doping legislation
    • The future of anti-doping for sport organisations
    • Redefining doping policies for the 21st century

The list is indicative and the editors welcome approaches from authors who would like to discuss ideas for papers. The focus of the special issue will be conceptual and empirical research with a strong contextual, theoretical or methodological basis that advances knowledge. Case studies and review papers are welcomed, as per the SMR guidelines

Deadline for submissions

Submissions are due on or before 1st September 2014 via the SMR online submission system at http://ees.elsevier.com/smr. To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for review in relation to the special issue it is important the authors select ‘Doping in Sport’ when they reach the ‘Article Type’ step in the submission process.

All manuscript submissions must adhere to the Sport Management Review ‘Guide for Authors’ available at http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/716936/authorinstructions.

Special Issue editors contact details

Dr Terry Engelberg
Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management
Griffith Business School
Griffith University, Gold Coast
Phone: +61 7 5552 7675
Fax: + 61 7 5552 8507
Email: t.engelberg@griffith.edu.au

Professor James Skinner
Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management
Griffith Business School
Griffith University, Gold Coast
Phone: +61 7 5552 9162
Fax: + 61 7 5552 8507
Email: j.skinner@griffith.edu.au


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