Welcome to the 10th International Symposium Youth Sport in Ljubljana or on-line, 26 September 2021, organized by the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport. The main goal of Youth Sport 2021 conference is to discuss on role of Youth Sport for Society Recovery after COVID-19 Pandemic. Exchanging findings and good practices on various aspects of youth sport will be an excellent platform for participants to discuss various topics:
- Youth lifestyle changes during COVID-19 pandemic isolation and consequences: what we know, what to do?
- The role of physical education and school sport in society recovery after COVID-19 pandemic,
- Talent development: how to keep young athletes in sport after long COVID-19 break, new challenges/opportunities for dual career,
- Sport training: new role of coaches – how to combine on-line and real training, diagnostics used by web to monitor training,
- Injury prevention: how training after long recess can effect on athlete body, injuries and prevention,
- Psychological aspects of COVID-19 pandemic isolation on youth sport: how to approach to young athletes and their parents,
- Ethics and fair play: sport competitions for youth in post-COVID-19 era.
The conference is set as a complementary event to celebrate the presidency of Slovenia of Council of EU. You are invited to participate in all other events as well.
Sep 23rd: various events during Slovenian national Sport day – free of charge
Sep 24th: conference Lifelong Physical Activity
Sep 25th: 1st FitBack conference – free of charge
Sep 26th: 10th symposium Youth Sport 2021
Abstract Submission
Please read these instructions carefully before preparing your abstract.
- Deadline for abstract submission is 15th May 2021.
- Each presenting author is permitted to submit a maximum of two abstracts as main author. The submitted abstract must be presented at the congress by one of the authors.
- Maximum length of abstract is 3000 characters (including spaces, title, authors and institutions). If the abstract includes figures and tables, the character count must be limited to accommodate the graphic elements.
- The title should be concise and descriptive of the work to be reported and written in UPPER CASE letters in font Calibri (size 11). Do not use subtitles.
- Only surname and initial of first name of authors should be written (without any titles) and one single line can be used for each institution.
- The abstract should be written in English and explain the objectives of the study, methods, results and conclusions. Use font Calibri (size 11) to write the text.
- References in the text must be cited at the end of the abstract (they must fit in the 3000 characters). Format should follow the American Psychological Association (APA 7) reference style.
- A blind review system will be used when evaluating the abstracts.
- Presenting authors must register as conference delegates and pay the registration fee. Abstracts without paid registration fees will not be published in the abstract book.
- Abstracts which have not been prepared according to these instructions will not be published in the abstract book.
Please send your abstract to youthsport@fsp.uni-lj.si with subject “Youth Sport 2021 abstract”.
Shortly after submission you will be notified whether your abstract has been accepted. Since this will be a one-day event, only few contributions will be presented orally upon the decision of Scientific Board.
After the symposium, Scientific Board will invite authors of excellent contributions to write papers for the special issue of journal Kinesiologica Slovenica.
Important dates
May 15th 2021 – Deadline for abstract submission
July 1st 2021 – Early bird registration deadline for participants with contribution
August 31st 2021 – Registration deadline for participants with contribution
September 20th 2021 – Registration deadline for participants without contribution
September 26th 2021 – Symposium
Key note speakers
Grant Tomkinson, University of North Dakota, USA
Pre-COVID-19 trends in the physical performance of children
Gregor Starc, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Consequences of COVID-19 on physical fitness and 24-hours movement behaviour of children
Francisco Ortega, University of Granada, Spain
Poor fitness in children and cognitive functioning: The implications of COVID-19 restrictions
Roland Naul, University of Münster, Germany
Post-Covid-19 physical education: A new paradigm of teaching and learning physical activities in the community school context?
Furter information
can be obtained from the conference website, https://www.fsp.uni-lj.si/en/research/events/introduction/2021040209461277/