Call for Papers | British Society of Sports History Conference 2015 | Swansea University, 2–4 September 2015


British Society of Sports History Conference 2015,
Organized by the Department of History & Classics, Swansea University,
2–4 September 2015

british-sport-historyThe conference takes place at the Singleton Campus of Swansea University in south Wales. It begins at 1pm on Wednesday 2 September and concludes at 2pm on Friday 4 September.

The annual Sir Derek Birley Memorial lecture will be given by Professor Mike Huggins (Cumbria University). Dr David Snowdon, winner of the society’s 2014 Lord Aberdare Literary Prize, will also give a keynote lecture.

Proposals for twenty-minute papers should be sent to Dr Martin Johnes via email ( by 30 May 2015. Proposals should be a maximum of 200 words long. The final conference programme will be announced in mid June.

Cost of attendance for bookings made by 30 June 2015

  • Full package (conference registration; Wednesday: evening, accommodation; Thursday: breakfast, lunch, conference dinner, accommodation; Friday: breakfast, lunch): £200
  • Full package postgraduate rate: (conference registration; Wednesday: evening, accommodation; Thursday: breakfast, lunch, conference dinner, accommodation; Friday: breakfast, lunch): £160

The society will be making a number of bursaries available to help postgraduate speakers with costs.

Accommodation is en-suite rooms in a hall of residence on the campus where the conference is taking place. Non-accommodation and one day rates are also available. Please contact Martin Johnes (on for details.

Payment is by cheque (payable to Swansea University) and should be sent, with his registration form, to Dr Martin Johnes, Department of History & Classics, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, SA2 8PP.

Bookings made after 30 June must add a £20 administration fee.

The British Society of Sports History exists to promote the study of the history of sport.

Our work includes activities as diverse as encouragement of research within and beyond academic settings, support for the preservation of the sporting record, collaboration with the museum and heritage sector, promotion of the study of the history of sport in higher and further education as well as by those in secondary school, and engagement with the broader public media.

As part of this promotion, we organise an annual conference and publish the journal Sport in History, as well as work with the broader sports history community to organise and support local and regional activities. Alongside these activities, we are building and supporting networks of post-graduate students and links with other social history groups.

The BSSH has members across the world, and we welcome anyone with an interest in the history of sport to our website and hope the material here is both interesting and useful for you. We are committed to sharing ideas, information and a passion for the study of the history of sport in a wide range of historical settings, and invite you to join us in these efforts.

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