The University of Ottawa is pleased to announce a Call for Abstracts for the 17th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, the triennial conference of the Canadian Association for Leisure Studies (CALS), which will take place in Ottawa, Canada, May 23-26, 2023. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 23:59 PST, November 15, 2022.
The conference theme is “A Half Century of Canadian Leisure Research: Towards a More Inclusive Future”. The congress theme recognizes that the original predecessor of Leisure/Loisir, the journal of CALS, was first published in 1970 and the first CCLR was held in 1975. While Canadian leisure research has expanded and grown during the last half century there has been and there continues to be significant gaps and deficiencies in Canadian leisure research. CCLR17 will provide the opportunity to critically reflect on a half century of Canadian leisure research and move toward a more inclusive and self-reflective future. Abstracts that touch on the following topics are thus especially welcome:
- Advocacy
- Allyship
- Black studies
- Disability
- Equity
- Environmental Justice
- Historical perspectives
- Indigeneity
- Oppression
- Poverty
- Social Justice
- Leisure of women and families (for the Maureen Harrington Memorial Session)
Having noted the overall theme, CCLR17 will also continue the inclusive tradition of past CCLRs in inviting and welcoming abstracts from all areas of interest in leisure studies and beyond.
Anyone who has any questions regarding potential fit is encouraged to contact Conference Program Chair Dr. Audrey Giles at
Abstracts may be submitted in one of the following formats (described in more detail below):
- Traditional Paper
- Working Paper
- Poster
- Themed Session
- Alternative Format
While the conference will not be fully hybrid, online presentations will be possible.
All formats are considered of equal scholarly status. The program committee will coordinate the double-blind review and assessment of all submissions. It will also make final decisions regarding the program.
Complete abstracts submitted by 23:59 (PST) on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2022, will be considered for presentation at the Congress. Instructions for submitting an abstract are detailed below.
Review Process
Each abstract will be double-blind reviewed. Abstracts will be evaluated based on:
- appropriateness and suitability of its subject matter for CCLR17;
- adherence to format requirements described in this Call for Abstracts; and
- overall
Any abstract previously published or presented at another national or regional meeting is not acceptable for presentation at CCLR17. However, new aspects of the previously published or presented material may be considered. All applicants are bound by ethical rules that prohibit plagiarism in writing or oral presentations. The program committee will try its utmost to avoid scheduling conflicts.
Who May Submit
Submissions are encouraged from anyone with a scholarly interest in leisure, broadly construed. Abstracts may focus on theory, research design and execution, as well as leisure practice, programs, and/or policy.
Note for students. Students are encouraged to submit abstracts reporting empirical research, theoretical work, and works-in-progress. Student submissions will undergo the same review process as non-student submissions. Students are welcome to submit abstracts as a Poster or Traditional Paper; however, they may also want to consider the Working Paper option as it is designed to provide constructive critique of a submission.
Scholarships of $500 will be awarded to 5 students who present papers in the Maureen Harrington Memorial Session on the Leisure of Women and Families. Also, please watch for announcements from CALS about the Marion Miller Award and other possible student travel grants and awards.
How to Submit
Abstracts must be submitted electronically to Please read ALL of the instructions carefully before completing an abstract submission. Abstracts may be submitted in either English or French. Abstracts will be published online in the language in which they were submitted and should reflect the preferred language of presentation. Changes to submitted abstracts will not be accepted after the deadline.
Upon Acceptance
The primary contact for each abstract will be informed of the status (accepted/rejected) of their submission in February 2023. Some submissions will require changes to address reviewer feedback prior to final acceptance. Presenters of accepted abstracts will be advised of registration deadlines to confirm places in the program at that time.
Meeting Participation/Registration
All individuals attending the congress (including online participants) are required to register and pay the registration fee before their presentations are officially added to the program. This includes ALL presenters, moderators, and organization representatives who are in attendance at the conference. Full conference and one-day fees will be available. The fee structure will be announced by January 2023. There will be a reducedrate for students and those attending/presenting online.
Audio-visual equipment available for presentations include 1 LCD projector and 1 screen. All other equipment must be arranged by the presenter.
Presentation Formats
There are five formats for presentation at CCLR17:
Traditional Paper
Individual presentations allow for a brief overview of the major points/highlights of a particular research project, program, or paper. Papers are limited to 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion).Paper presentations must report on work completed by the author(s).
Working Paper
There are three categories of developmental papers: research proposals, conceptual papers, and empirical papers. Research proposals should include research questions or hypotheses, a summary of the literature that has informed the questions, and proposed methods for data collection and analysis. An empirical paper should include the same elements as a research proposal submission and also some preliminary analyses. Conceptual papers should include a description of the relevant literature and some preliminary ideas for the theoretical contribution. Working paper submissions that are accepted will be assigned to a group with other developmental papers. Each author will have 5 minutes to informally present their ideas, and they will then listen for 10 minutes as the other participants discuss the author’s ideas/work. There will be 5 minutes at the end for follow-up questions or discussion. Authors will be expected to review each other’s work in advance and come prepared to participate in these discussions.
The poster session is a visual paper. Material will be mounted on free standing display panels or online and interpreted by the author during the poster exhibition session (this is mandatory).
Abstracts must be informational and must report on work completed. The abstract format for a poster session is the same as for traditional papers.
Themed Session
A themed session is a collection of no more than four papers contributed by a group of individuals, usually from different institutions/organizations, on a single theme. Each participant delivers a paper relevant to the theme. The chair presides over the presentations and discusses the papers as they relate to each other and the overall topic. Themed sessions are 90-minutes to allow for presentation and discussion. Diversity in speakers is strongly encouraged.
Alternative Format
The program committee welcomes submissions that propose alternative formats (e.g., performances, screenings, debates, flipped presentations, etc.).
Abstract Submission Instructions
- Abstracts must not exceed 500 words in Those failing to meet this requirement will be rejected without review. Three-to-five keywords and a reference list are required, but they do not count toward the abstract length. Abstracts must be submitted as an email attachment.
- For traditional papers, working papers, posters, and alternative format presentations, abstracts must include a title and describe the purpose of the proposed presentation, explain the approach used (e.g., theoretical lens, methods), describe the ideas or findings it will explore, and articulate the practical or scholarly relevance that makes it suitable for CCLR17. For themed sessions, abstracts must be submitted foreach presentation and submitted collectively in one document. A brief description of the conference theme and its relevance to CCLR17 should accompany the joint submission.
- All author identification must be removed from the document properties of each submission (for PC users, in Word, go to File, then properties, summary and remove author name; for Mac users, in Word, go to Preferences, Security, remove personal information from this file on save). Contact information, including the name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, phone number, and email address of the principal author and names and institutional affiliations of any co-authors, should be listed on a separate page. These will be removed for the double-blind review process.
- At the bottom of the abstract, the author(s) must indicate a preferred format: traditional paper, or working paper, or poster, or themed session, or alternative (see above for description of each type of format).
- At the bottom of the abstract, the author(s) must also indicate if their work will be shared online or in
- Abstracts should be submitted to
For questions regarding submission and review of CCLR17 abstracts, contact Program Chair, Dr. AudreyGiles at
Conference website: