Special Issue: Therapeutic Recreation in a Digital World, Part II
Introduction to the Special Issue: Opportunities and Challenges for Therapeutic Recreation in a Digital World
Shannon Hebblethwaite
Through the Lens of a Camera: Exploring the Meaning of Competitive Sport Participation Among Youth Athletes with Disabilities
Semra Aytur, Patricia Jean Craig, Matt Frye, Mark Bonica, Sara Rainer, Laura Hapke, Matt McGilvray
Impact of a Virtual Learning Program on Social Isolation for Older Adults
Erica Botner
Regular Papers
Physical Activity Preferences, Attitudes, and Behaviour of Children and Youth With Physical Disabilities
Jennifer Anne Leo, Guy Faulkner, Zlata Volfson, Rebecca Bassett-Gunter, Kelly Arbour-Nicitopoulos
A Network Analysis of Youth with Physical Disabilities Attending a Therapeutic Camp
Shay Dawson, Bryan McCormick, Jing Li
Helping Older Adults Pursue the Good Life: Advice from Sages and Social Psychologists
Shang-Ti Chen, John Dattilo, Francisco Javier Lopez Frias