Dear all,
Last week the following items were published on (see below; language and publication dates, YYMMDD, in brackets). Click on the red headings to go to content. Utilize the Google Translate service to turn Scandinavian language pages into (some sort of) English.
Have a great week,
Kjell Eriksson
Research Article
Institusjonell ledelse i fotballklubber – rollevariert respons på ytre trusler [Institutional leadership in football clubs – role-varied responses to external threats]
Inspired by sport studies into organizational change focusing on ‘high impact systems’ and analytically founded on theories into institutional leadership and institutional work, Eivind Skille’s peer review article investigates how voluntary Norwegian football clubs interpret and act upon private football academies. Empirically based on 16 interviews with representatives of six voluntary football clubs, two overarching and intertwined findings were identified and presented and discussed in the article. (Published in Norwegian in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum 250205. English abstract available.
Book Reviews
Football, Power, and Politics in Argentina, by Eugenio Paradiso
Eugenio Paradiso’s Football, Power, and Politics in Argentina (Routledge) draws on original ethnographic research to consider the role of fans, club officials, politicians, and others in the spread and perpetuation of corruption and violence within football. Torbjörn Andersson appreciates Paradiso’s very readable and suitably long study in which he shows that the organized chaos actually encompasses not only the whole of football but also Argentine politics and society in general. (Review in English, published 240204.)
Muscle Works: Physical Culture and the Performance of Masculinity, by Broderick D.V. Chow
In his new book Muscle Works: Physical Culture and the Performance of Masculinity (Northwestern University Press), Broderick Chow recounts the story of fitness culture from its beginnings as spectacles of strongmen, weightlifters, acrobats, and wrestlers to its legitimization in the twentieth-century in the form of competitive sports and health and wellness practices. Our reviewer is Claire Warden, and she is a knowledgeable and enthusiastic guide to Chow’s world of physical culture, historically and contemporarily. (Review in English, published 250206.)
New Issues of Scholarly Journals
(We’re currently reviewing this service, since it’s a rather time-consuming undertaking. In the meanwhile we’re presenting some of the journals in line with the Forum’s core mission.)
- Sport, Education and Society, Volume 28, 2023, Issue 7 (250204)
- European Sport Management Quarterly, Volume 25, 2025, Issue 1 (250204)
- Communication & Sport, Vol. 13, 2025, No. 1 (250205)
- Sport, Education and Society, Volume 28, 2023, Issue 8 (250205)
- The Physical Educator, Vol. 80, 2023, No. 5 (250206)
News items (calls for papers, vacancies, etc.)
- Offentligt försvar av en doktorsavhandling | Möten i friluftsliv: Lärarutbildare utforskar den egna undervisningspraktiken, av Maria Howding | Malmö universitet, den 12 februari 2025 (250203)
- Call for Papers | “Breaking Barriers 2025: Advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Sports” Conference | Leeds, Weetwood Hall Estate, June 12, 2025. Call ends March 31, 2025 (250205)
- Call for Participation | “Inclusive events: gender, placemaking & human-environmental relationships”, CCSE Talk | Free online seminar, February 26, 2025, 2–3pm CET (250205)