Dear all,
Last week the following items were published on (see below; language and publication dates, YYMMDD, in brackets). Click on the red headings to go to content. Utilize the Google Translate service to turn Scandinavian language pages into (some sort of) English.
Have a great week,
Kjell Eriksson
Research Article
Rethinking Human Rights for Transgender Athletes: A Policy Analysis of Transgender Eligibility Regulations in Competitive Sport
Analysing 16 transgender eligibility policies of different international sports federations, Lina von Petersdorff’s article makes the case for a human rights-based approach towards participation in competitive sports in accordance with a person’s gender identity. It does so by focussing on specific human rights and utilising feminist theories. The analysis identifies that the policies frame transgender athletes as a “problem”. The use of language and, in particular concepts, play a crucial role in the policies. Therefore, the argument is made for redefining the concepts of sex and gender in the context of sport. (Published in English 241202.
Skolsimning – en kritisk genomlysning [School swimming – a critical examination]
Kristoffer Eriksson’s article is a critical review of one of the greatest didactic challenges in the Swedish school subject Physical Education and Health (PEH): school swimming. The review is based on a teacher professional perspective, an approach used to articulate the thoughts of practicing teachers in a research field that often excludes the reflective practitioner’s perspective. The critical approach aims to provide a deeper understanding of school swimming in Sweden. (Published in Swedish 241204; English abstract available
Feature Article
Vikten av att skilja agnarna från vetet [The importance of separating the chaff from the wheat]
In this article, Tomas Peterson, well-known sports researcher, among other things as a one-man investigator for the last major state sports investigation in 2008, addresses a problem in the Swedish system for support for sports in various forms. His example is about the YMCA in Malmö, which put its name to a few different sports-related projects/initiatives, and he shows how easy it can be to qualify for public financial support and do as little as you want with the money, but also how easy it is for the most worthy efforts to be left unsupported due to bizarre administrative conditions (Published in Swedish 241202.
Book Reviews
Women in Sports History: Ten Years On, by Carol A. Osborne & Fiona Skillen (eds.)
Carol A. Osborne & Fiona Skillen’s edited collection Women in Sports History: Ten Years On (Routledge) examines the developments in women’s sports history in Britain in the last 10 years, following on from its successful predecessor Women in Sports History (2010). Susanna Hedenborg reviewed the 2010 volume, and she agreed to take on the sequel. Now as then, she finds much to appreciate, it’s an historians delight, but also now as then there is room for improvement. (Review in English, published 241203.)
Research with Children and Young People in Physical Education and Youth Sport, by Fiona C. Chambers, Rachel Sandford, Oliver Hooper & Lee Schaefer (eds.)
The edited collection Research with Children and Young People in Physical Education and Youth Sport (Routledge) presents a new framework for researchers in the field of physical education and youth sport, showcasing how the CREATE Principles for Research Design can facilitate meaningful research. Karin Redelius, well versed in the field of youth sports research, concludes that while the book is not the first one addressing children and research, its focus on Physical Education and youth sport research is a novel approach. and she expects to return to it many times. (Review in English, published 241205.)
New Issues of Scholarly Journals
(We’re currently reviewing this service, since it’s a rather time-consuming undertaking. In the meanwhile we’re presenting some of the journals in line with the Forum’s core mission.)
- European Sport Management Quarterly, Volume 24, 2024, Issue 6 (241202)
- Sport in History, Volume 44, 2024, Issue 4 (241203)
- STADION. International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol. 47, 2023, Issue 2 (241204)
- Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Volume 18, 2024, Issue 3–4 | Concussion and Brain Injuries in Sport: Conceptual, Ethical and Legal Perspectives (241205)
News items (calls for papers, vacancies, etc.)
- Vacancy | Professor at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University | Application deadline January 27, 2025 (241202)
- Call for Papers | Conference: “Combat, spectacle, sport and war” | Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds, October 28–29, 2025. Call ends January 7, 2025 (241203)
- Public defence of doctoral thesis | Equestrian (Media) Cultures in Transition? Mediatization of Stable Cultures Through Social Media | Lovisa Broms, Malmö University, December 13, 2024 (241204)
- Vacancy | Funded PhD opportunity: The Origins And Rise Of Online Fitness Influencers, at Ulster University | Apply no later than February 24, 2025 (241205)