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    PhD studentship opportunity | Women in sport leadership | Apply no later than 17h00 (GMT) on January 19, 2024

    Successful applicants will join the SCDTP cohort of PhD studentships and benefit from a dedicated PhD training programme based upon a carefully designed development needs analysis that will enhance knowledge and skills even further. The SCDTP studentship provides a basic annual maintenance grant of £18,622 (2023/24 UKRI Rate) as well as access to a Research Training Support Grant. Moreover, a three-month research-in-practice opportunity with a relevant organisation is embedded as part of the studentship, meaning employability prospects are maximised.

    Ledig stilling | Førsteamanuensis eller professor i pedagogikk/fagdidaktikk, Norges idrettshøgskole | Søknadsfrist 29. november 2023

    Det søkes etter en person med solid oversikt over nasjonal og internasjonal forskning som angår kroppsøving og idrettsfag i skolen. Den som ansettes må over tid ha bidratt internasjonalt på forskningsfeltet kroppsøving og/eller idrettsfag i skolen, kroppsøvingslærerutdanning eller annen tematikk som angår pedagogiske og/eller fagdidaktiske problemstillinger innenfor feltet. Personen som ansettes må ha erfaring med og interesse for empirisk og anvendt forskning.

    Vacancy | Funded Ph.D., “Dressed for the Field: Gender, Bodies, and Society through the Material Culture of Field Hockey, 1880 to the present” | Call ends November 30, 2023

    Applicants should have a background in material culture, fashion / textile history, gender history, or sport history. Individuals with a material culture or fashion / textile history background do not need to have knowledge of the sport of field hockey; similarly, applicants with a background in gender or sport history do not need to have knowledge of material culture or fashion / textile history.

    Vacancies | 17 fully funded PhD studentships in Sport Ethics and Integrity, to The Doctoral Training Network in Sport Ethics and Integrity (DAiSI). Apply no later than September 11,...

    Each of the 17 research projects is an interdisciplinary combination of ethical, legal, and social dimensions. Joint degree PhDs will be awarded to the successful candidates by two of the consortium partners. Moreover, each project is characterised by joint supervision reflecting this philosophy and is supported by one or more prestigious sport or sport related institutions: Athletics Integrity Unit; Biathlon Integrity Unit; Federation of International Football Associations; International Olympic Committee, Union of European Football Associations; United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; and the World Anti-Doping Agency. 

    Vacancy | Research Assistant (Doctoral Researcher Ph.D. Candidate) at the Institute of Sociology and Gender Studies at the German Sport University Cologne | Apply no later than July 25,...

    The Institute of Sociology and Gender Studies at the German Sport University Cologne announces the availability of a position starting as soon as possible as Research Assistant (Doctoral Researcher Ph.D. Candidate) during which you will by preparing and conducting a research project in the field of parasport. The position is a qualification position which serves to support the completion of a doctoral degree. This position is limited for the duration of the doctoral procedure, but initially for a maximum period of 3 years.

    Lediga platser | Biträdande universitetslektor i idrottspedagogik till Malmö universitet | Ansök senast 31 maj 2023

    Denna anställning som biträdande universitetslektor på heltid är, med stöd av Högskoleförordningen, tidsbegränsad under 4 år, med möjlighet att befordras till en tillsvidareanställning som universitetslektor om behörighetskraven uppfylls. I rollen som biträdande universitetslektor delar du din tid i normalfallet lika mellan forskning och undervisning på grund- och avancerad nivå, framför allt inom lärarprogram.

    Universitetsadjunkt i idrottsvetenskap inriktning idrottslära till Malmö universitet

    Som universitetsadjunkt i idrottsvetenskap med inriktning idrottslära kommer du huvudsakligen arbeta med undervisning inom lärarprogrammet. I tjänsten ingår kursansvar med utbildningsplanering, examination på grundnivå samt att bedriva pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete. Inom kunskapsområdet idrottslära kommer du undervisa i olika delar såsom atletisk form (t.ex friidrott), bollspelsform, essentiell form (t.ex. orientering och simning) samt friluftsform. Vidare ingår handledning av studenter under deras verksamhetsförlagda utbildning (VFU) på lärarprogrammet.

    Vacancies | Senior Lecturer in Sport Science to University of Gothenburg | Apply no later than February 13, 2023

    Sport science is a third-cycle multi-disciplinary subject focusing on sport, exercise and physical activity. Sport science includes studies of the body and the physicaly active human being, the societal development of sport cultures and sport as well elite as in a broader perspective. In Sport science, the starting point is that physical activity and sport activities can promote health and well-being, performance and estetical experience.

    Lediga platser | Universitetslektor i idrottsvetenskap, inriktning pedagogik, till Malmö universitet. Ansök senast den 20 februari 2023

    I tjänsten ingår att organisera och genomföra utbildning på grund-och avancerad nivå vilket omfattar kursansvar, kursutveckling, undervisning och examination. Du kommer ingå i arbetslag i ämne/ämnesdidaktik, inom den utbildningsvetenskapliga kärnan (UVK) samt inom verksamhetsförlagd utbildning (VFU). I tjänsten ingår även att handleda studenters examensarbeten. Som universitetslektor i idrottspedagogik kommer du att vara en viktig kraft i arbetet med att utveckla den idrottspedagogiska forskningsmiljön.

    Ph.D. Studentship | An investigation of athlete awareness of and attitudes towards anti-doping policies and practices in new youth/action sports | Northumbria University. Position closes January 27, 2023

    The attraction of new/action sports is that they are culturally different to mainstream sports. Individuality, freedom, and non-conformity are key motives for participation. The governance of these activities as sports has only recently been formalised, whilst traditionally many participants have seen them as counter-cultures, which manifested freedom and creativity and could be also linked with use of recreational drugs.
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