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    Call for Participation | Sport, Globalisation and Identity – Recent reflections on our publication | Webinar, November 24, 2020, 18:00 CET

    Sport can be a vehicle for the expression of identity, and also a factor in the shaping of identity. In Sport, Globalisation and Identity: New Perspectives on Regions and Nations, edited by Jim O'Brien, Russell Holden, Xavier Ginesta, the complex interrelationships between nations, regions and states in the landscape of contemporary international sport, with a particular focus on identity, is explored.

    Highly stimulating grand sweep of history from Rhodes to Richards

    The edited collection Cricket and Society in South Africa, 1910–1971: From Union to Isolation by Bruce Murray, Richard Parry & Jonty Winch (Palgrave Macmillan) is a fascinating exposé of the role of cricket in the checkered twentieth century history of South Africa. In his review, our resident cricket aficionado Russell Holden is obviously both impressed and delighted.

    Ground-breaking and inspiring study of women’s cricket in history and today

    Rafaelle Nicholson’s Ladies and Lords: A History of Women’s Cricket in Britain (Peter Lang) offers the first ever academic study of the history of women’s cricket in Britain. Our resident cricket expert is Russell Holden, and he is thoroughly appreciative of Nicholson’s effort, which provides a vital contribution to the existing literature on cricket, but equally has much to offer those in engaged with sport history, sport sociology and leisure studies.

    Probing the legacy of one of the most influential sports books of all time

    Fifty-five years after the original publication of C. L. R. James’s influential work comes Marxism, Colonialism, and Cricket: C. L. R. James’s Beyond a Boundary, edited by David Featherstone, Christopher Gair, Christian Høgsbjerg & Andrew Smith (Duke University Press). Our appreciative reviewer Russell Holden suggests that the two volumes will benefit from being read as companions.

    An ambitious introduction to the wide-ranging field of sport management

    For her edited volume Contemporary Issues in Sport Management: A Critical Introduction (Sage Publications), Terri Byers have engaged a large number of contributing scholars of sport management, probing central issues in the field. Søren Bennie is our reviewer, and while pointing to a few weak points, his balanced assessment is that it’s a valuable and useful contribution to this research field.

    Sportens politik

    Mats Franzén har läst Paul Gilchrists och Russell Holdens antologi The Politics of Sport: Community, Mobility, Identity, som först publicerades som ett temanummer av Sport in Society. Boken rymmer flera intressanta bidrag, till exempel ett om Rhodesia och ett om Liverpool FC, men den lyckas inte ta ett helhetsgrepp på sitt ämne.
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