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    Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, Volume 14, 2023, Issue 2

    CSHPE has a particular focus on social science research-based articles that make reference to other critical work in the field and/or discuss particular issues of practice-focused research within the specific professional field. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Menstrual health education in Australian schools by Christina Curry, Tania Ferfolja, Kathryn Holmes, Kelly Parry, M. Sherry & Mike Armour (open access).

    Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, Volume 14, 2023, Issue 1

    CSHPE has a particular focus on social science research-based articles that make reference to other critical work in the field and/or discuss particular issues of practice-focused research within the specific professional field. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Secondary physical education teaching methods course: through the lens of the preservice teachers by Michael Hodges, Ashley Phelps, Robert Knipe, Brooke Doherty, Jeff Colburn & Xiaofen D. Hamilton.
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