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    Tag: Patrick B. Wilson

    Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, Volume 25, 2021, Issue 2

    MPEES covers a wide variety of subjects in the area of measurement research in physical education and exercise science. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: A Tutorial of Bland Altman Analysis in A Bayesian Framework by Krissina M. Alari, Steven B. Kim & Jeffrey O. Wand (open access).

    Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, Volume 24, 2020, Issue 3

    MPEES covers a wide variety of subjects in the area of measurement research in physical education and exercise science. Each journal section is devoted to theoretical and methodological issues in measurement and statistics. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: RELIABILITY AND MINIMAL DETECTABLE CHANGE OF THE STYKU 3D BODY SCANNER by Blair Silver & Patrick B. Wilson.

    European Physical Education Review, Vol. 25, 2019, No. 2

    European Physical Education Review is a journal that stimulates and presents scholarly enquiry in the broad field of physical education, including sport and leisure issues and research, bringing together contributions from a wide range of disciplines across the natural and social sciences and humanities.

    Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, Volume 11, 2017, Issue 3

    The Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology (JCSP) is intended to be a scholarly refereed journal designed to stimulate thought, promote empirical investigation, and disseminate scientifically informed knowledge related to the comprehensive psychological care and overall well-being of athletes, coaches, and sport organizations.
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