Tag: Pascal mao
Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, Volume 46, 2023, Issue 1
Leisure / Loisir strives to publish a diverse collection of scholarly papers in all areas of leisure, recreation, arts, parks, sport, and travel and tourism. Reflecting the multi- and interdisciplinary nature of these areas of study. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The impact of Nordic walking compared to non-sporting activities on socialization and well-being by Ivan Raça, Fabrice Dosseville & Olivier Sirost.
Mer om idrottsturism!
Bo Carlsson
Idrottsvetenskap, Malmö högskola
Thomas Hinch & James Higham
Sport Tourism Development
254 sid, hft.
Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications 2004Brent W. Ritchie & Daryl Adair (ed)
Sport Tourism: Interrelationships, Impacts and Issues
302 sid, hft.
Clevedon, UK: Channel View Publications 2004
Mike Weed & Chris Bull
Sports Tourism: Participants, Policy and Providers
241 sid, inb.
Oxford, UK: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann 2003
Tidigare har jag läst och recenserat två böcker om idrottsturism: Sport Tourism och Sport and...