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    Tag: Osvaldo Luiz Ferraz

    Sport, Education and Society, Volume 26, 2021, Issue 7 | Physical Education Teacher Education and its Worldwide Complexities: Mapping Contexts for Research and Sharing Experiences from Brazil

    Sport, Education and Society encourages contributions from social scientists and educationalists studying the relationships between pedagogy, ‘the body’ and society, The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Bridging the gap between theory and practice: the impact of school–university partnership in a PETE program by Osvaldo Luiz Ferraz, Carla Vidoni & Marcos Vilas Boas.

    The Physical Educator, Vol. 76, 2019, No. 5

    The Physical Educator is one of the longest standing journals providing research-based articles relating to physical education, health, recreation, and related areas. Editor’s pick from the current issue: EXPLORING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELF-DETERMINATION THEORY AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS MEETING RECOMMENDED WEEKLY PHYSICAL EDUCATION MINUTES by James W. Ball, Kimberly A. Maljak, Matthew R. Bice, Julia Valley, Thomas Parry.