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    Tag: Nordic history

    Call for Papers | Sports and Foreign Politics: The Nordic Small States during the Cold War | Workshop, Stockholm University, November 2024. Call ends April 1. 2024

    To enhance the small state and Nordic perspective on international sports politics, we are inviting scholars from all disciplines to a workshop at Stockholm University, planned to take place in November 2024. The topic is the relationship between sport and foreign policy in the Nordic Countries during the Cold War. This topic should be understood broadly, both as the efforts of government agencies to use sports to promote their policies, and debates and strategies to handle questions in relation to foreign politics among sports federations and athletes.

    Call for Presentations | The Nordic–Baltic Sports History Congress 2023 | December 8–9, 2023, Jyväskylä, Finland and on Zoom. Call ends September 29, 2023

    The Finnish Society for Sports History and the Department of History and Ethnology at the University of Jyväskylä jointly organize Nordic–Baltic Sports History Congress at the University of Jyväskylä, in Finland, 8th–9th of December 2023. The Congress will be arranged in hybrid form, so it will be possible to attend the Congress in face-to-face manner or remotely by Zoom. The congress language is English. The speeches are expected to be twenty minutes, and ten minutes are reserved for public discussion.

    Offentligt försvar av en doktorsavhandling | De nordiska lekarna: Grannländer i pressen under olympiska vinterspel av Martin Johansson | Södertörns högskola, den 12 maj 2023

    Martin Johanssons avhandling tillhandahåller nya perspektiv på historien om nordisk identitetskonstruktion genom att analysera representationer av nordiska grannländer inom ramen för dessa berättelser, och belyser olika aspekter. Genom såväl kvantitativa som kvalitativa läsningar av källmaterialet visar avhandlingen sammanfattningsvis hur tidningarna med hjälp av ironi, humor och tävlingsnarrativ framställde Norden som en speciell sorts vinterolympisk lekgemenskap.