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    The International Journal of the History of Sport, Volume 36, 2019, Issue 9–10

    The International Journal of the History of Sport is the world’s leading sport history academic periodical with fully-refereed global coverage of the subject. As well as regular issues, the IJHS also offers regionally-focused issues on the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East, and special issues each year on significant topics and themes.

    Needs more methodology and more sports history to live up to its title

    The anthology «Methodology in Sports History», edited by Wray Vamplew and Dave Day (Routledge) seemed to be just what the supervisor ordered for a Ph.D. student at a crucial point in the dissertation process. For our reviewer Robert Svensson, however, it was somewhat of a disappointment. The book confuses method with methodology, and deals more with history in general than with sport history.

    The Internet is not going away any time soon – thankfully, viable options for sport history research are available

    The future is here, and for all, not least sport historians, it’s important to be ready for whatever changes that may involve. Luckily, a collection of articles is available, Sport History in the Digital Era edited by Gary Osmond and Murray G. Phillips, and our reviewer Scott D. Peterson finds a book full of useful ideas.

    Walesisk idrottshistoria

    Hans Bolling Historiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet Martin Johnes A History of Sport in Wales 159 sidor, hft., ill. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2005 (The Pocket Guide Series) ISBN 978-0-7083-1946-8 Jag måste erkänna att jag inte visste speciellt mycket om Wales, och ännu mindre om walesisk idrott, när jag började läsa Martin Johnes A History of Sport in Wales. Jag kände förvisso till att Wales är en...

    Idrott och nationell identitet – sport som ”kulturell markör” för nationalism

    Johnny Wijk Historiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet Adrian Smith & Dilwyn Porter (red) Sport and National Identity in the Post-War World 216 sid, hft. London: Routledge 2004 Vad finns det för relationer mellan idrott och nationalism? Kan sportens värld ge nya infallsvinklar på vad som kan betecknas som nationell identitet? Dessa intressanta frågeställningar utgör huvudtemat i boken Sport and National Identity in the Post-War world, en antologi med Adrian Smith och Dilwyn Portersom...
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