Tag: Conferences
Call for Papers | Social Justice through Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium | Bowling Green State University, March 27–29, 2025. Call ends February 3, 2025
The aim is to bring together sport and exercise psychology researchers and practitioners whose work focuses on social justice and praxis, marginalized communities, participants lacking scholarly attention, or that falls outside the positivist mainstream of sport psychology. A main purpose of this symposium is to bring together people passionate about these issues so that we can share our work as well as support and encourage each other. The symposium structure will encourage interaction and dialogue.
Call for Papers | “The Governance and Regulation of Sport” – PSA Sport and Politics Conference 2025 | Birkbeck, University of London, May 15–16, 2025. Call ends January 31,...
Over the last two decades, as the commercial side of sport has grown, there has been increased public and political interest in the way that sport is governed and regulated. This has often been due to organisational failings, allegations of corruption, issues concerning athlete welfare, increasing legal intervention into sport and the changing nature of sporting competitions, that have led many to question whether the current structures, actors and systems within the sporting environment are fit for purpose: in essence questioning the governance and regulation of sport.
Call for Participation | Health and Fitness in the 21st century: Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Field | Regis College, Weston MA, November 15, 2024. Registration deadline is November...
This one-day conference is an event that brings together professionals and scholars in the fields of health and fitness to share ideas on the challenges and opportunities we face a quarter way through the 21st century. With new dynamics at play and issues to navigate, those working in health and fitness fields need to work together to share best practices and ideas at the forefront of our community.
Call for Papers | “Cricket in 2035: What Could It Look Like?”, Cricket Research Network Annual Conference | National Cricket Performance Centre, Loughborough University, February 13, 2025. Call ends...
Cricket has never stood still, but the pace of change has perhaps never been so great as it is right now. Poised for entry into the Olympics in 2028, with women’s cricket bigger than ever before, but with the future ownership of English counties hanging in the balance and Test cricket under threat, we will gather in Loughborough to discuss the thorny question: What will cricket look like 10 years from now?
Konferensinbjudan | Fritidens och idrottens potential som våldsförebyggande arenor [ Örebro universitet, den 21 november 2024. Anmälan senast den 13 november 2024
Konferensen sätter samverkan mellan forskning och praktik i fokus, och består av flera kortare föredrag från forskare som belyser möjligheter och utmaningar för att öka samhällets motståndskraft mot ett växande våld, genom fritidens och idrottens arenor. Utöver detta kommer dagen även innehålla presentationer från praktiker, paneldiskussioner samt en avslutande talare. Årets avslutande talare är David Ekholm, docent i socialt arbete, vid Linköpings universitet.
Call for Papers | Physical Cultures of the Body, a Hybrid Conference at the Stark Center, Austin, Texas, January 16–17, 2025. Call ends November 15, 2024
The Stark Center defines physical culture as “the various activities people have employed over the centuries to strengthen their bodies, enhance their physiques, increase their endurance, improve their health, fight against aging, and become better athletes”. Our focus remains on historical and other humanities-based approaches to the study of exercise, strength, sport training, strength athletes, competitive lifting, the healthful benefits of exercise, and all other aspects of what we call “physical culture” across the millennia.
Call for Papers | “Vulnerable Bodies in Literature and Culture”, a Two-Day Conference | Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India, February 28 — March 1, 2025. Call ends October...
This conference aims to create conversations around body vulnerability through critical discourses from literature and culture. It aims to examine vulnerabilities experienced by the human body through multiple perspectives such as caste and race-based discrimination and violence, bodies moving through public spaces and the violence they encounter, disabled bodies vis-à-vis discourses of ableism, queer bodies and the violence of othering, hegemonic perceptions of body image and body shaming, issues of maternal bodies and ageing bodies, among others.
Call for Papers | “In the Echoes of Reckonings”: Hockey Conference 2025 | Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, June 17–19, 2025. Call ends November 15, 2024
Hockey continues to experience reckonings. While some incidents have garnered more media attention than others, questions about hockey’s deeper purpose abound: How might we, individually and collectively, reckon with a history of hockey that has contributed to acts of misogyny, violence, racism, homophobia, classism, and ableism? How might we reckon with realizing our entanglements and vulnerabilities in the context of hockey culture? In what ways are we implicated in narratives of hockey culture?
Call for Papers | 8th International Sport & Discrimination Conference | German Sport University, Cologne, Friday, June 13, 2025. Call ends January 31, 2025
Discrimination cuts across traditional academic subjects and the ethos behind this conference is to bring together experts from different subject areas in an opportunity for knowledge exchange. We welcome presentations relating to all forms of discrimination across any sporting context, including popular culture. As in previous years of Sport and Discrimination events, submissions may approach the conference from a variety of perspectives.
Call for Papers | The 7th annual conference for the Center for Sociocultural Sport and Olympic Research (CSSOR) | California State University, Fullerton, March 13–14, 2025. Call ends December...
The CSSOR Program Committee welcomes high quality academic work on sport studies topics such as race, gender, politics, legacy, youth, or disability. Proposed research papers focusing on broader sociocultural topics within sport are welcomed, in addition to research specifically addressing the Olympic Movement. Scholars in the fields of history, philosophy, management, communication, ancient and modern languages, literature, visual and performing arts, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, economics, marketing, and law are encouraged to submit proposals or attend the conference.