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    Tag: Ian Wellard

    The sentient body recognized within gym and fitness cultures, but questions remain

    Drawing on autoethnographic research, Gym Bodies: Exploring Fitness Cultures by James Brighton, Ian Wellard & Amy Clark (Routledge) explores the embodied experiences of ‘gym goers’ and the fitness cultures that are constructed within gyms and fitness spaces. Greta Bladh is well placed for reviewing this book, and her critical reading gives credit to the authors’ efforts as well as raises questions about the benefits of the autoethnographic method. A highly readable book just the same.

    Stimulating exploration of the complexities of sex-integrated sport

    To promote gender equality in sport, is sex integrated sports the way to go? Food for thoughts on this topic is provided in Sex Integration in Sport and Physical Culture: Promises and Pitfalls, edited by Channon, Dashper, Fletcher & Lake (Routledge). Our reviewer is Mark Brooke, whose thinking on the matter was greatly stimulated by the various contributions in this volume.

    Sport, Education and Society, Volume 22, 2017, Issue 5

    Sport, Education and Society encourages contributions from social scientists and educationalists studying the relationships between pedagogy, ‘the body’ and society as well as from all professionals with theoretical and empirical interests relating to policy, curriculum, social inclusion, equity and identity, and progressive educational development in physical activity, health and sport.

    Avsaknad av kroppsdoft

    Jesper Fundberg Institutionen idrottsvetenskap, Malmö högskola  Ian Wellard Sport, Masculinities and the Body 165 sidor, inb. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2009 (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society) ISBN 978-0-415-99408-8 En del recensioner tycks vara svårare att formulera än andra. Ibland kan det gälla den tid det tar innan recensionen blir klar och ibland att innehållet i boken är ”besvärligt” för recensenten. I detta fall gäller både och. Titeln Sport, Masculinities...
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