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    Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Volume 27, 2022, Issue 6

    The purpose of PESP is to provide a forum for high quality educational research for a national and international readership. We intend this research to have a high impact on both policy and practice. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ‘When it’s something that you want to do.’ Exploring curriculum negotiation in Norwegian PE by Eirik Aarskog, Dean Barker & Jorunn Spord Borgen (open access).

    Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, Volume 91, 2020, Issue 2

    JOPERD is a peer-reviewed, four-color, professional journal. Continuously published since 1896, JOPERD serves as an authoritative, professional source for educators in physical education, sport, recreation, and dance in all settings. Editor’s pick from the current issue: DRIVEWAY TENNIS: AN EXAMPLE OF SPORT TEACHING VIA GAMES MAKING IN NET/COURT GAMES by Shane Pill, Mitch Hewitt & Rick Baldock.
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