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    Tag: gender equality

    Inbjudan till spridnings- och inspirationskonferens | ”Sätt bollen i rullning” | Bosön, den 3 oktober 2024

    Den 3 oktober på Bosön genomförs spridningskonferensen för ”Sätt bollen i rullning”. Projektet inleddes år 2019, och har intervjuat män och kvinnor som är ordförande inom handbollen, basketen och fotbollen om hur de upplever sina möjligheter till makt och inflytande. Tidigare idrottsminister Anders Ygeman beskrev resultatet som deprimerande. I vårt tidigare arbete framkommer en stark önskan/strävan efter jämställda styrelser, men att ytterst lite görs för att åstadkomma detta i praktiken.

    Public defense of doctoral thesis | Sustainable Development Goals Through Sport: An analysis of Policy Implementation in Ghana by Derrick Okpoti Charway, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, June 12,...

    The primary aim of Derrick Charway’s study was to analyze the policy goals and implementations of state and non-state sport organisations in Ghana and the extent to which they contribute to national development. This study addressed three of the 17 SDGs: healthy living (SDG 3), gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment (SDG 5), and disability (SDG 10). The findings revealed three common concerns that stood out: the non-involvement of local implementing actors, the restricted legitimacy of Sport for Development organisations, and skewed resources distribution to support football.

    The 2023/2025 edition of the Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme has been launched. Apply no later than January 30, 2023

    We are pleased to inform you that the 2023/2025 edition of the Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme has been launched. For this edition, we are inviting the academic community to submit proposals related to at least one of the 10 IOC priority fields grouped in the following 4 main themes: Athlete safeguarding, mental health and wellbeing; Ethics and integrity; Gender equality; and Olympism 365 – Development through sport and sport’s contribution to the sustainable development goals.

    Lediga platser | Doktorand i pedagogik, inriktning jämställdhet/jämlikhet inom idrottens område till Umeå universitet. Ansök senast den 9 januari 2022

    Doktorandanställningen är i Pedagogik med inriktning mot jämställdhet och jämlikhet inom idrottens område. Det innebär ett fokus på processer genom vilka människan formas och förändras i olika sociala, kulturella och historiska sammanhang inom idrottens område. Inom det idrottspedagogiska problemområdet behandlas bland annat olika aspekter av fostran, socialisation, utbildning, lärande, undervisning, styrning, organisering och ledning eller andra påverkansprocesser.

    Call for Papers | Frontiers Research Topic: “Women’s Professional Sport: Understanding Female-Specific Distinctiveness”. Call ends January 18, 2021

    This Research Topic seeks to address a gap in current scholarship, notably research that empirically examines the success and sustainability of approaches to developing, structuring, and delivering women’s professional sport. Professional sport is delimited as any sport that provides continuous paid employment and the opportunity to pursue said employment as a career.

    Call for Contributors | Routledge Handbook of Gender Politics in Sport and Physical Activity | Call ends July 1, 2020

    This Handbook focuses on the political aspects of gender in the fields of sport and physical activity and provides a comprehensive overview of the complex interplay between politics, gender, sport and physical activity. The Handbook is designed to be a key reference for academics, and an accessible as well as informative resource for sport practitioners, people involved in PA and exercise and interested in politics.

    Disputation | Godispengar” eller ”överdådig lyx” – om elitidrott, ekonomi och jämställdhet av Anna Maria Hellborg, Malmö universitet, den 8 mars 2019

    Syftet med Anna Maria Hellborgs studie är att problematisera och analysera uppfattningen om och konstruktionen av elitidrottsutövares ekonomiska villkor sedda genom en feministisk lins – och specifikt att undersöka och illustrera hur de ekonomiska förutsättningarna skiljer sig åt mellan kvinnor och män som vill investera i en elitidrottskarriär.

    Call for Papers | “Tackling discrimination – visions of gender equality in sport”. 12th Annual Meeting of the Transnational Scholars for the Study of Gender and Sport | University...

    The organizers are interested in bringing together scholars who are interested in issues of gender equality in sport. We welcome submissions that address a variety of gender issues such as sexuality, body, identity, gender-based discrimination (including harassment and abuse), LGBTIQ+ experiences, as well as practices of exclusion and marginalization in sport, physical activity, and school physical education.

    Call for Papers | The Transnational Working Group for the Study of Gender and Sport | Reykjavik University, Iceland, August 15–17 2018. Call ends June 10, 2018

    Founded in 2005, the working group aims for a transnational and interdisciplinary exchange of researchers with an interest in the study of sport and gender. The program of the 11th annual meeting focuses on sexism, discrimination, sexual harassment and violence studies in the field of Physical Education and sport, LGBTQ+, as well as leadership and coaches' perspectives.

    Call for Papers | Women, Sports and Media: Careers, Coverage, and Consequences | Call ends January 30, 2018

    “We seek research on three key themes: women sports journalists; audiences for women’s sports; and coverage of women athletes. We are particularly interested in work that addresses intersections with race/ethnicity and sexuality, and that identifies possible implications, impacts and potential solutions to problems.”