Tag: physical activity
Call for Participation | The Sociologies of Health, Sport and Illness: Synthesis or Separation | An FSHI-sponsored seminar, Loughborough University, February 28, 2024. Reserve a spot!
We are pleased to announce an upcoming seminar exploring the connections between the sociologies of sport and health and illness. The seminar will be held at Loughborough University on 28th February 2024. See below or attached for details. The event is funded by the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness so attendance (incl. lunch etc.) is free.
Disputas | Physical activity, fitness, and cardiovascular disease risk in childhood cancer survivors av Mari Bratteteig, Norges idrettshøgskole, 8 november 2023
Hovedmålene med dette ph.d.-prosjektet var å beskrive nivåer av fysisk aktivitet og sedat tid blant unge barnekreftoverlevere og å sammenligne risikofaktorer for hjerte- og karsykdom hos overlevere med et internasjonalt referansemateriale, samt kontroller matchet på alder og kjønn, og å undersøke sammenhengen mellom fysisk aktivitet og ulike domener av fysisk form (kondisjon og muskelstyrke) med risikofaktorer for hjerte- og karsykdom hos overlevere og jevnaldrende.
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 40, 2023, Issue 3 | Global Matrix of 2022 Para Report Cards on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities (Open Access)
APAQ is an internationa journal designed to stimulate and communicate scholarly inquiry relating to physical activity that is adapted. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Results From Spain’s 2022 Para Report Cards on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities by José Francisco López-Gil, Susana Aznar, Blanca Roman-Viñas, Javier Brazo-Sayavera, Rocío Izquierdo-Gómez, Sabina Barrios-Fernández, Olga Rodríguez Ferrán, Salome Aubert.
Quest, Volume 75, 2023, Issue 2 | Social Theory and Movement Skill Learning in Kinesiology
Quest is the official journal of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE). It is the leading journal for interdisciplinary scholarship for professionals in kinesiology in higher education. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Movement, Meaning and Matter: Understanding Skillful Action in Sport by Jim Denison.
Quest, Volume 75, 2023, Issue 1 | Daryl Siedentop: A tribute to his legacy in physical education and sport pedagogy
Quest is the official journal of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE). It is the leading journal for interdisciplinary scholarship for professionals in kinesiology in higher education. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Siedentop: A Memoir of the Man from Pomerene Hall by Richard. Tinning.
Call for Book Chapters | A Critical Perspective on Parents and Under-Fives Pre-School Sport and Physical Activity | Abstract submission deadline July 14, 2023
This book will provide a socio-cultural lens on the expanding market for pre-school sport and physical activity. This text comes at a significant time in the context of a growing marketplace for commercialised and franchised sport and PA in the UK and elsewhere for the under-fives. To date much of this research has focused on the development of children or on physiological measures of childhood activity. This ignores the social and cultural context in which children take part in Sport and PA.
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 40, 2023, Issue 2
APAQ is an internationa journal designed to stimulate and communicate scholarly inquiry relating to physical activity that is adapted. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “It Shaped My Future in Ways I Wasn’t Prepared for—in the Best Way Possible”: Alumni Volunteers’ Experiences in an Adapted Sports and Recreation Program by Meredith Wekesser, Guilherme H. Costa, Piotr J. Pasik, Karl Erickson.
Quest, Volume 74, 2022, Issue 4
Quest is the official journal of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE). It is the leading journal for interdisciplinary scholarship for professionals in kinesiology in higher education. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Operationalizing a Physical Education Workforce Research and Development Agenda by Emily M. Jones, Hal A. Lawson & Kevin Andrew Richards.
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 40, 2023, Issue 1
APAQ is an internationa journal designed to stimulate and communicate scholarly inquiry relating to physical activity that is adapted. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Feasibility of Using Q-Sort to Map Conditional Participation in Physical Activity in Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder by Susann Arnell, Kajsa Jerlinder, Lars-Olov Lundqvist (open access).
Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan GIH får 4,7 miljoner kronor till forskning om fysisk aktivitet och psykisk hälsa hos skolungdomar
GIH får 4,7 miljoner kronor av Familjen Kamprads stiftelse till ett forskningsprojekt om fysisk aktivitet och psykisk hälsa hos skolungdomar. Projektet ska bidra till att utvärdera om förlängda skoldagar med läxhjälp och fysiska aktiviteter förbättrar psykisk hälsa, kognition, skolprestation och minskar ojämlikhet i hälsa hos ungdomar. Bakgrunden till satsningen är att svenska ungdomar rör på sig för lite och sitter still för mycket. Samtidigt drabbas allt fler ungdomar av psykisk ohälsa.