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    Call for Papers | “Diversity and Sustainability in Electronic Gaming and Esports”, Special Issue of Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports | Call ends March 1, 2022

    If esports and gaming strive to be an international and inclusive activity for everyone, then understanding the diversity of electronic gaming and esports and how they intersect with essential topics such as gender, identity, racism, multiculturalism, equality, accessibility, inclusion, sustainability, environmentalism, globalism (and glocalism), just to name a few, are of utmost importance. We are interested in submissions from any discipline.

    Open Call for Papers | Annals of Esports Research | New open access journal published through Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

    AER publishes innovative original research, opinion, and educational information related to Esports. All disciplines and approaches to understanding Esports are encouraged, with special interest in the health, performance and experience, and well-being of players, fans, and coaches. Our goal is to advance academic and industry discussions and research in Esports. We welcome empirical, conceptual, and qualitative research and industry driven manuscripts. AER is an open access journal published through Harrisburg University of Science and Technology.
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