PhD Seminar, ahead of the EASM 2013 Conference, in Istanbul, September 10–11
Prior to the 2013 EASM conference, young sport management researchers will have the opportunity to join a seminar solely for doctoral students. Purposes are to strengthen international networking, improve research designs and engage in fruitful discussions with fellow PhD. students. Internationally well-regarded senior scholars of our field such as Packianathan Chelladurai (USA), Holger Preuss (Germany), Veerle De Bosscher (Belgium)...
EASM Summer School 2013 – Lead, Don’t Follow
Make your own experiences during 4th EASM Summer School 2013 at the University of Bayreuth, Germany!
In the tradition of its international student seminars and very successful EASM Summer Schools during the last years, the EASM Board and the University of Bayreuth continue their cooperation with the 4th EASM Summer School in 2013 in order to offer a strong and...