Tag: Dept. of Sport Sciences
REMINDER | Vacancies | PhD studentships in Sports Science specialising in the Humanities and Social Sciences @ Malmö University | Apply before January 16, 2022
The focus of postgraduate education in sport sciences specializing on social sciences and the humanities lies on the various forms of sport and on their past, present and future importance to society. The education program comprises a range of areas from competitive, recreational and experience sports to sport as a school subject including outdoor education, physical recreation and ecological sustainability.
Public defence of doctoral thesis | What does it take to be successful here? A longitudinal study of achievement motivation in youth sport | Joakim Ingrell, Malmö University, September...
The focal aim of this dissertation project centers on understanding the importance of some of the underlying factors responsible for the socialization of achievement motivation in youth sport and its affective outcomes. Furthermore, the project focuses on the specializing stage of development, more specifically, student-athletes attending a compulsory school with a sports profile.