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    English cricket – who gets to play is a question of class

    In examining recreational rather than professional (first-class) cricket, Duncan Stone’s Different Class: The Untold Story of English Cricket does not merely challenge the orthodoxy of English cricket, it demonstrates how the values and belief systems at its heart were developed to divide the English at every level of the game. Our reviewer, cricket commentator Daniel Norcross, likes the book, and especially Stone’s deep dive into the class war aspects of amateur or recreational cricket.

    A forensic examination of the various British communities’ relationship with Cricket

    Adopting a socio-political approach, Russell Holden’s Cricket and Contemporary Society in Britain: Crisis and Continuity (Routledge) investigates the declining status of cricket within contemporary British society after the high-water mark of England’s Ashes victory in 2005. We asked a keen observer of English cricket, journalist and broadcaster Daniel Norcross, for a review, and he lauds Holden’s wide ranging and detailed examination of why cricket in the UK has failed so many of its different social and ethnic communities.
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