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    Tag: Conferences: Race and sports

    Call for Papers | “The Representation of Race in Sports Journalism and Media”, the Sports Media Identity Network Event #3 | Sheffield Hallam University, June 30, 2023. Call ends...

    For the Sports Media Identity Network’s third event, we are inviting presentations which interrogate the role that the sports media, in particular sports journalism, plays in the framing of race in sport. Although this one-day event, which will be held at Sheffield Hallam on June 30 2023, has a broad focus, we particularly welcome abstracts concerning themes of diversity, representation and collaboration. 

    Call for Papers | “Racialisation, colonisation and gender in Nordic sports” | Kjønnsforskning NÅ! [Gender Research NOW], Online Conference, May 27–28, 2021. Call ends March 15, 2021

    In the field of sport studies in the Nordic region, important contributions have pointed to the persistence of gender as a key organising principle and symbolic practice, at both the elite and grassroots levels. The main focus of academic work on sport and in/exclusion has tended to focus on gender and/or ethnicity as the primary markers of difference and sameness. In this, questions of racism and coloniality have largely been overlooked, and left underexplored.

    Call for Papers | Race/Sports/Media | All-day conference, University of Maryland-College Park, May 8, 2020 | Call ends January 30, 2020

    We seek research on some key themes: black sports journalists; coverage of black athletes and others involved in professional and non-professional sports (managers, coaches, owners); and coverage of race and racial tensions in sports. We are particularly interested in research that addresses intersections with race/ethnicity, gender, and sexuality or that identifies potential solutions to problems. We define “media” broadly.

    Call for Papers | “Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada” – A Symposium | University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, September 28-29, 2018. Call ends January 31,...

    We are calling for contemporary and historical papers that focus on Canadian experiences that address sports, broadly defined, in the context of a racialized world. Papers may focus on individuals, teams, or deal with themes that address sports and race in relation to: community, nation, and identity; social justice; gender and class; region; sport as a manifestation of cultural practices.

    Call for Papers | “Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada: A Symposium” | September 28–29, 2018, University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Call ends January 15,...

    Papers may focus on individuals, teams, or deal with themes that address sports and race in relation to: community, nation, and identity; social justice; gender and class; region; sport as a manifestation of cultural practices. It may focus on local amateur, grassroots, or elite play, and cover local, regional or international activities.
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