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    Tag: Brendan Schwab

    Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, Vol 28, 2018, Issue 2: Athlete Activism and Sports Social Responsibility

    The mission of Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport is to increase the understanding and advancement of legal issues as applied to all aspects of the sport paradigm. JLAS endeavors to publish peer-reviewed submissions, in any tradition of scholarship, that are of the highest scholarly quality and scientific rigor about legal aspects relating to sport, recreation, and related fields.

    The International Sports Law Journal, Vol. 17, Issue 3–4

    The International Sports Law Journal is the only truly “international” peer-reviewed sports law journal consistently offering broad content coverage, such as significant case law analysis, legal commentary and sports related information from sports law experts around the world. ISLJ is a valuable resource for practitioners, academics, sports officials, sports enthusiasts and anyone interested in or impacted by sports and the law.