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    On the importance of promoting physical activity for young people with Down syndrome

    Children and young people with Down syndrome often have lower muscle strength, motor ability and physical fitness than other young people without disabilities. In Gerth Hedov’s and Ann-Christin Sollerhed’s Fysisk aktivitet för unga med Downs syndrom [Physical activity for young people with Down syndrome] (Studentlitteratur), the importance of physical activity for this group is emphasized. According to our reviewer Lars Kristén, the book offers an exemplary mapping of opportunities and obstacles for young people with Down syndrome to practice physical activity.

    “Physical Education in Early Childhood Education”, Special Issue of Journal of Early Childhood Education Research (Vol. 12 No. 1, 2023)

    The aim of the journal is to promote scientific dialogue, deliver information, and contribute to developing the field of early childhood education. JECER is an open access journal; as such, all its content is available for the user or their background organization freely and without cost. The Forum Editor’s choice from the current issue: Is physical activity a pathway to culturally and linguistically diverse children’s participation in early childhood education and care? by Outi Arvola, Pia Liljeroth, Jyrki Reunamo.

    Idrotten i spänningsfältet mellan hälsa och ohälsa: Rapport från Nordisk idrottsvetenskaplig konferens, 22 till 23 november 2017 i Halmstad

    2017 års SVEBI-konferens arrangerades av Högskolan Halmstad tillsammans med SVEBI, SIPF och SNAFA och fick beteckningen Nordisk idrottsvetenskaplig konferens. Läs den fylliga konferensrapporten av Alexander Jansson, Matilda Lindberg och Sepandarmaz Mashreghi, samtliga doktorander vid Malmö universitet.
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