We are pleased to welcome you to the 25th annual conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM), to be held in Bern, Switzerland from 2 to 8 September 2017. The Institute of Sport Science of the University of Bern and the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen are honoured to host this important sport management conference. Both partners play a key role in the development of sport management studies in Switzerland.
We will do our utmost to offer an interesting programme, establish network platforms to connect with colleagues and representatives from international sport organisations and companies as well as to provide opportunities to meet and make friends.
Switzerland, and Bern in particular, is not only well known for its rich cultural history and mountains, but also for cheese and chocolate. We will make sure all participants will have the opportunity to experience this “Swissness” and to enjoy such delights alongside the official programme of the conference.
We look forward to welcoming you in Bern and Magglingen in September 2017!
Siegfried Nagel & Hippolyt Kempf
(on behalf of the Organising Committee)
Call for Sub-Theme Workshops
The Scientific Committee of the EASM Conference invites sport management scholars and practitioners to organise workshops on various sub-themes of sport management at our annual conference.
Activate, Engage, Discuss and Produce Shifts through EASM Workshops
Workshops aim to encourage stimulating discussion and intellectual engagement between participants on a particular subtheme (i.e. a specific focus within a more general topic). Workshops can also be outcome focussed, e.g. to channel work into special issues in ESMQ or other journals or edited books; to integrate theory and practice; to shift existing fields; or to map out new sport management research territory. Workshop organisers are strongly encouraged to actively design their workshops as they are intended to have a different appeal and ‘feel’ than traditional conference track topic sessions (for track topics see “Parallel Sessions”).
The Scientific Committee will select workshop proposals that capture a defined sub-theme; have a clear aim; and have wide appeal to both presenters and conference attendees. The call for contributions to accepted workshops will be included in the general call for papers for the conference.
Submitting your Workshop Proposal
Members interested in organising a workshop should submit the following information by email to the Scientific Co-Chairs of the EASM Conference 2017 in Bern: Tim Breitbarth (Chair EASM Scientific Committee, tbreitbarth@bournemouth.ac.uk) and Siegfried Nagel (Chair Bern 2017 Organising Committee, siegfried.nagel@ispw.unibe.ch), quoting “EASM Workshop Proposal” in the subject line:
- The sub-theme and title of the proposed workshop.
- A short description of the relevance and aim of the proposed workshop (max. 500 words). Please remember that the title, the aim and the description should be used to arouse interest in the workshop when announced in the call for papers and when you communicate the workshop to your research network.
- Expected submissions to the workshop:
- Names of likely contributors (at least 6)
- List how you intend to attract contributors to your conference workshop
- The desired format and ‘flow’ of the workshop
- Please outline the point of difference from paper track presentations (e.g. one or a mix of the following: small symposium, panels, debates; presentation of short/full papers and/or impact cases, focus on or mix of practitioner/policy/academic contributors, etc.). The format would typically be 2-3 sessions (i.e. 60 minutes).
- The conveners’ could invite industry guest presenters (on their own travel expenses and after discussion with the Scientific Committee) in order to facilitate theory-practice integration shall this be of benefit to the workshop outcome and participants’ conference experience.
- Please mention if you are aware of any journal special issues on the topic of the proposed workshop with a submission date later than September 2017.
- Details about the convenors:
- The names, institutions, e-mail-addresses, phone numbers, research fields, main publications and short bio (about 100 words) of all the conveners (min. 2/max. 4, representing more than one country).
- Indicate the name of the lead convener as this person will be responsible for communication with the Scientific Committee, be involved in the review process of submissions to the workshop and the coordination of conveners, contributors (once submissions or other speakers are accepted) and the running of the workshop.
- A brief outline of the conveners’ contribution to the topic (max. 300 words, plus references of recent publications/outputs on the topic). In addition, please refer to the history of the workshop if it has been staged in previous EASM conferences.
Conveners agree to prepare a brief written report of the workshop, including its contribution, within two weeks after the conference (about 400 words). The report will be published on the conference/EASM website.
The deadline for submitting a workshop proposal is 28 November 2016.