The International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) seeks applications for the position of “Research Assistant” to be based in the Executive Office in Berlin, Germany.
The position is part of ICSSPE’s scientific support for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit. In collaboration with the German Sport University Cologne, ICSSPE provides expertise and advice with regard to the utilisation of sport for development purposes in the context of a pilot programme initiated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany.
- University degree in sport science, political science, development studies, social work or similar qualification;
- Excellent oral/written German and English skills;
- Experience in and knowledge of
– the area of sport for development;
– the development and implementation of scientific projects;
– monitoring and policy evaluation;
– strategic and political communication;
- Excellent knowledge of Microsoft office.
Tasks and areas:
Support for planning, implementation and evaluation of pilot projects;
- Analysis of completed and existing projects;
- Analysis of international actors and structures;
- Development of policy documents;
- Advice and consultancy;
- Reporting and documentation.
This position is advertised as a 50% vacancy to be filled immediately and it runs for a period of 24 months. The salary is oriented at the civil service pay grade E13 under consideration of regulations for civil servants in the state of Berlin.
Further information can be obtained by contacting Mr. Ben Weinberg (
Please send online applications until 15 October 2013 to:
Detlef Dumon
Executive Director
Friesenhaus II
14053 Berlin